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Nascar iRacing Series 2016 by mancSLO


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Podium Daytona 500:

1.Kurt Busch ,Stewart-Haas 🤗Racing, Ford

2. Ryan Blaney,   Wood Brothers Racing, Ford

3. Aj Allmendinger, JTG Daugherty Racing, Chevrolet

Nimamo samo iracerji crashe. 25 jih je prišlo na cilj od 40.

Letošnja sprememba točkovanja je, da je dirka iz treh delov. Dvakrat po 60 krogov in finale 80 krogov, kjer je seveda največ pik.

S tem so komisarji popestrili osrednji del dirke. :mangel:

Tako je Kyle m&m Busch dobil 10 točk za zmago v prvem delu, a se je kasneje zapletel v nesrečo:


Uredil - mancSLO
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Ne vem, če bi doma povedal, za kaj bom en pivo sedajle stisnil.   20.000 krogov na ovalu 

Evo, mi smo pripravljeni. V nedeljo se prične. Dolga sezona nas čaka. 36 vikendov. Doma so mi pred sezono odobrili manjši posladek:   The Monster Energy NASCAR Cup S

Kot sem že omenil, gre Nascar iRacing Series vzporedno z rl. Nascar Sprint Cup Series. Tako je bila tudi tam včeraj Talladega (188 krogov). Žal je iz borbe za končnico sinoči izpadel moj favorit

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Sicer pa razen tegale P3 čista polomija tole letos. Danes sem še sam malo tamanil v Phoenixu in povzročil enega od 18 rumenih. Brez treninga in samo na tekme je to to...

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No da se še jaz malo javim iz Nascarja. Po včerajšnji premierni zmagi v NIS Fixed, danes za nagrado top split in zadnji avto v NIS Open. Bil je trd pristanek na realna tla. :lol:

Uredil - urhpi
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Yes, dirt oval racing is coming to iRacing on March 29th but so are the 2017 NASCAR Monster Energy rules package updates to the iRacing cup cars!  Senior Vehicle Dynamics Engineer and former Team Penske Race Engineer, Steve Reis explains.

The aero map on the iRacing cup cars has been completely reworked to represent the 2017 body style and NASCAR rules package.  We have also updated the suspension geometry and made adjustments to the garage setup ranges to represent typical 2017 NASCAR chassis/setup ranges and rules package.

o             Minimum front springs increased to 500lb/in

o             Maximum front swaybar preload decreased to -500lb-ft

o             Swaybar rates decreased to more realistic values

o             Maximum Trackbar rake set to 4”

o             Maximum Rear Toe set to +1/8” LR and 0 RR. 

o             Minimum LR spring increased to 100lb/in

o             Superspeedway frame heights set to 6” | 8”

So what does that mean to the driver?  2013 NASCAR Peak Antifreeze champion Tyler Hudson explains.

From a driver’s standpoint the most noticeable difference will be that entry and exit do not have that “light” feeling anymore.   In the current physics model when you lift for the corner the front feels like it disconnects from the track and you use minimal steering inputs to set the car into the corner.  With the 2017 update the tires feel more connected to the track and that feel carries from entry, center, and exit much better than it currently does.  The chassis feels stiffer, more planted and “in” the race track, making everything feel much more natural and in control.

Currently, during most races drivers will short pit after 30 laps or so on a mile and a half track simply because the car is too loose and the tire fall-off is so dramatic.  With this new update, on a mile and a half tracks the balance stays consistent throughout a whole fuel run and the tire fall-off tops-out around 2.6-3.0 seconds with a reasonably well-balanced race car.

So in summary, the update will make the cars a lot more realistic in terms of suspension geometry and aero.  Also, the new garage limits will force people into a more realistic box in terms of the setups they can create.  The end result is a more controllable driving physics model  . . . and this was accomplished even without adding what we have learned from dirt development to the tire model!

Finally it is our hope to get the new Toyota Monster Energy Cup car 3D model into next week’s build.  But we are cutting it close.  If it does not arrive on the 29th expect it shortly after.  Along with the 2017 contingency updates the release next week will have the updated rear spoiler and shark fins on the Ford and Chevy Cup cars as well.


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Pa ravno navadili smo se. Po katastrofalnem začetku sezone, ko je bilo v Phoenixu po 15 in več rumenih, je bila pred dnevi v Kaoiforniji (auto club speedway) ena mojih boljših dirk. 100 krogov brez rumenih. Večina menjave opravi v 30-33 krogu, torej v 70 krogu beležijo dva postanka. Nekaj nas je reskiralo in smo ostali na stezi do hlapov😁, torej do 45 kroga. Od 70 do 90 kroga sem bil v top 3 z krogom prednosti. Ni se izšlo, saj ni in ni bilo rumenih....Res je nepredvidljiv Nascar:DD. Končni P10.

Uredil - mancSLO
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On 23. 3. 2017 at 21:51, urhpi je napisal:

No da se še jaz malo javim iz Nascarja. Po včerajšnji premierni zmagi v NIS Fixed, danes za nagrado top split in zadnji avto v NIS Open. Bil je trd pristanek na realna tla. :lol:

Čestitke za trdna tla mate[champ]. Za nas nekatere so trdna tla daleč, daleč.

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Auto Club Speedway:

240 prijavljenih na dirko, soliden P in še boljši Q.

Sedaj bodo pa vedeli, od kje sem. Nekaj panike 5 krogov pred ciljem zaradi  rumenih zastav. Na  restartu krog pred ciljem (po 99 krogih pretežno v vodstvu sem bil čisto sproščen [Jel2])  je rumeni z desne hotel malo posilit, oni za mano je to dobro videl (2:18 videa), ampak sem dirko v miru privozil do zmage[champ]...


Uredil - mancSLO
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