Rokovnjac 783 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Žal se moram odjaviti. Uživajte! Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Ima kdo kakšen setup za Huracana ? Neki svojega sem spacal. Stabilno je dokaj, ne vem pa koliko je hitro. Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Jst sm danes mal z Lambotom fural. Meni je obupen za furat. Sploh z default setupom. Nekaj sem potem spreminjal pa je bilo malo bolje, sam še vedno ne po tem bumpy Zandvoortu. Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Jaz sem ga omehčal in znižal prednji ARB. Mogoče bi ga še malo zvišal, ker ima občutek na udari ob tla na tisih hitrih S-jih. Glavni problem mi je spin v tisti čudni šikani, saj gre zadek po svoje pred drugim ovinkom. Diff coast sem zvišal. Nekaj pomaga. Mogoče bom še malo. Citiraj Link to post
sarabwt 130 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Hi guys.As I've said on my previous post, the new V5 tyre model has some quite big changes that you have already tried by now, one of them being the new heating model. The model is young and has great potential so we're still working on fine tuning and improvements.Version 1.3.4, which is imminent, brings some of those improvements. GT2 and GT3 cars (plus the drift street cars) have some new values on their heating model. The end result is that while the surface temperatures are still very variable during a lap, the core temperatures are much much more stable in their temperatures. We think the end result is very realistic and exciting to drive.You will need even more time to heat up the core temperatures. Maybe 2 to 3 laps depending on the combination of track, car and driving style. The core temperatures will go up steadily but slowly and will also cool down slowly.You won't be able to overheat the core temperatures as easy as before, but their temperatures follow a trend from your driving style and surface temperatures. This means that if you keep overdriving your tyres the surface temperatures will of course overheat, but the core temperatures will start to raise steadily and it won't be easy to cool them down instantly. Every change in their trend needs at least half a lap to be inverted. So for example you can't just drive smoothly for a turn and have the tyres back again in operational temperature. You need to do so for at least half a lap or even much more, depending when you realized the overheating arrived.The good news is that the core temperatures keep the tyre pressure more stable now, so yes you will have grip variations during a lap because of the surface temps, but you won't have as big footprint variations because of the highly unstable tyre pressures that you had until now.Furthermore we fine tuned the rolling resistance from the tyres and also changed the wheel power figures as we have found some discrepancies in our model and from some new data we got from the manufacturers in terms of power dissipation. You will now be able to achieve higher top speeds and you might need some longer braking distances or even brake a bit on some turns that until now were usually flat out.As I said, all changes are for the GT2 and GT3 tyres.Street, vintage and single seater slick tyres will follow.Thank you for your patience, we really try hard to improve and update as many tyres as fast as possible.Have fun!Zakon, ravno prav za stestirat. Zdej bi mogu bit grid bolj izenačen in delitev avtov ne bi bila potrebna Citiraj Link to post
AliBuggy 1 008 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Ima kdo kakšen setup za Huracana ? Neki svojega sem spacal. Stabilno je dokaj, ne vem pa koliko je hitro.meni bi tud prav prislo saj furam v bistvu default, razen male spremembe na brzinah in razmerju bremz. Sem probal ene dva setupa ki sem jih nasel online pa je bil vsak drug ovink polet v neznano Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Team Speak serverNaslov: matjazmurn.ddns.netGeslo: sloracingts Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Priporočam ,da si vklopite realtime app. To je originalna aplikacija, kaže pa kej si relativno na druge v realnem času. Pomaga, da ko zletiš s steze ne greš nazaj, ko nekdo prihaja z 250kmh. Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Server sem restartal (tako ali tako je bil prezgodaj postavljen), ker so bile neke nastavitve napačne. Sedaj je spet online. Citiraj Link to post
ingange 379 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 sloGT3password not accepted Citiraj Link to post
sarabwt 130 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 (urejeno) sloracingloading track ks_zandvoort Uredil October 22, 2015 - sarabwt Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Geslo je sloracing Citiraj Link to post
ingange 379 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Ja sem skapiral ja samo v 1 postu je pisalo : Server: GT3 Geslo: sloGT3 NP :-) Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano October 22, 2015 Share Napisano October 22, 2015 Rezultati Citiraj Link to post
skopusnik 1 374 Napisano October 22, 2015 Avtor Share Napisano October 22, 2015 @Gantar Nora nora dirka. Celo dirko za seboj zadrževal Gantarja in lovil Aleša pred mano. Po okrog 17 krogih je Domen prišel mimo, pa sem ga potem jaz lovil. Na srečo ga je malo zadrževal Aleš, tako da sem oba ujel in nekako uspel skočiti mimo, ko sta tudi onadva naredila nekaj napak. Zadaj je pritiskal Daks, v zadnjem krogu pa je Domnu vseeno uspelo mimo in ga do konca kroga nisem več ujel 1 Citiraj Link to post
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