B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Ko prodajaš rabljenega naslednjemu kupcu in ti ga prinese nazaj, ker dela samo 860°, namesto oglaševaih 900°. 1 Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Ne vem, če ni to normalno oz. znotraj kakšnih toleranc, ki jih predpisuje in dovoljuje proizvajalec.Poleg tega, a nima večina avtov lock-to-lock angle bistveno manjsi od 900° ? Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Ni nič znotraj toleranc. Lock-to-lock je 900°. Če to ne dela, je nekaj narobe.Dirkalniki majo pa res velika večina manj kot 900°, samo to ne spremeni dejstva, da volan ne dela tako kot bi moral. Citiraj Link to post
Tomaž Eržen 1 083 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Seveda, ampak če bi se volan moral kalibrirat na 900°, dela pa samo 860°, se obrati volana ne bodo ujemali z obrati v igri. Če imaš prikaz volana v igri skrit, mogoče ne boš niti opazil, drugače pa zna biti zelo moteče... Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Se strinjam, vendar bo 20° razlike (v vsako smer po 20°, skupno torej 40°) vidno le na koncu, to je po 1.5 obratih volana. Med voznjo obrnes volan za najvec 90°, torej bo razlika 6.7° med volanom na ekranu in tvojim. Zanemarljivo najbrž, sploh ker najbrž gledaš na stezo in ne volan.Malo berem okoli glede tega, ker imam tudi sam g27 in bom danes preveril. Sicer pa v IR pise: "The sad truth is that most wheels don't turn 900 deg, but actually a little bit less than 900. My G27 actually turns the full 900 deg, but Logitech decided to put in a 'dead zone' at the end of travel so the wheel does not report any motion when you are within about 15 deg of the lock. There is a funky gear mechanism inside the G27 that limits its rotation, I have always thought that a careful afternoon with a file could open up things a bit more allowing you to use the full 900 deg of rotation, or possibly even more. But I would not even think about messing around in there unless this was your backup wheel that you no longer cared about. If you goof up the locks the wheel will completely stop working. As for iRacing, it is best to follow the calibration wizard and get the true 1:1 calibration instead of forcing the wizard to report 900 deg. The difference is small, but your wheel will be out of alignment with the graphical one by about 15-20 deg at the locks otherwise. Of course people drive successfully on wheels setup much worse than that, so it is not critical.The sad truth is that most wheels don't turn 900 deg, but actually a little bit less than 900. My G27 actually turns the full 900 deg, but Logitech decided to put in a 'dead zone' at the end of travel so the wheel does not report any motion when you are within about 15 deg of the lock. There is a funky gear mechanism inside the G27 that limits its rotation, I have always thought that a careful afternoon with a file could open up things a bit more allowing you to use the full 900 deg of rotation, or possibly even more. But I would not even think about messing around in there unless this was your backup wheel that you no longer cared about. If you goof up the locks the wheel will completely stop working. As for iRacing, it is best to follow the calibration wizard and get the true 1:1 calibration instead of forcing the wizard to report 900 deg. The difference is small, but your wheel will be out of alignment with the graphical one by about 15-20 deg at the locks otherwise. Of course people drive successfully on wheels setup much worse than that, so it is not critical."Res ne vem, če ni to serijsko. 1 Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Če je to serijsko, predvidevam, da potem v specifikacijah volana piše lock-to-lock range 860°... Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Vem kaj hočeš povedat Matjaž... ...kar hočem jaz povedat je, da je zgleda to širše sprejeta in tolerirana šlamparija. Citiraj Link to post
B_U_R_I 3 290 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Jaz pa hočem povedati, da ne bi smela bit In da je prav, da odneseš volan nazaj - jaz bi ga tudi. Ko je G2x serija prišla ven, je bil eden izmed glavnih selling pointov ravno 900° lock-to-lock range. Če bi TH pri menjalniku TH8A v veliki večini prodajal menjalnike, pri katerih dela samo 6 od 7 brzin, najbrž nihče ne bi rekel: sej večin dirkalnikov ima pa itak samo 6 brzin in 7. sploh ne rabiš... Citiraj Link to post
Tomaž Eržen 1 083 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Moj G27 se vrti 900° brez debate.In ker že razglabljaš... pri obratu 90° se ti volan potem ne bo obrnil za 90°, ampak proporcionalnih 86°, ker se kalibrira na celoten rang in ne samo na tistih 90°, ki jih ti želiš. Perfekcionista bo to motilo Citiraj Link to post
123 91 Napisano August 25, 2015 Avtor Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Kje se v praksi občuti razlika med 860° in 900° ? 1 obrat v desno. neki je, ni hudga.. 1 Citiraj Link to post
markop 702 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Meni se roka itak trese +-10° Zato pa sem kot polž na stezi in gre vse počez.Sej trobimo vsi isto. Če piše 900° naj bo toliko, se strinjam. Citiraj Link to post
silicijeva dolina 1 254 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Moj volan gre točno na 900°. Tudi mene bi zelo motilo,če se ne bi. Citiraj Link to post
JocoG23 416 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 To je sigurno počen ali pa mogoče zamaknjen optični enkoder. Na videu ali linku si poglej oni kolešček. Zadeva je iz plastike in rad poči. Na servisu bi moral to zrihtat BP. Citiraj Link to post
silicijeva dolina 1 254 Napisano August 25, 2015 Share Napisano August 25, 2015 Mislim,da bo dobil novega Tako to počne Big Bang. Vse kar mi je že kdaj "crknilo" so mi zamenjali z novim izdelkom. Citiraj Link to post
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