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Odpreš datoteko ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\DiRT Rally\forcefeedback\effectsetup.xml in zamenjaš njeno vsebino s spodnjo kodo. Svetujem, da prej narediš backup.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FFBEffects soloRampRate="1000" soloAttenuation="0">

   <FFBEffectSelfAligningTorque device="wheel" scale="0.5"/>

   <FFBlateral device="wheel" scale="1.0" velocityFactor="0.04" frictionGripScalar="55.0" frictionSurfaceScalar="6.5"/>

   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="0.75" thresholdLow="0.6" thresholdHigh="10.0" damageZone="0" freq="15.0" length="0.3" sample="smallCollisionWheel"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="0.75" thresholdLow="10.0" thresholdHigh="5000.0" damageZone="0" freq="10.0" length="0.6" sample="largeCollisionWheel"/>

   <FFBSuspension device="wheel" scale="0.12" thresholdLow=".07" thresholdHigh=".4" freq="7" length="0.4" sample="suspensionWheel"/>
   <FFBSuspension device="wheel" scale="0.18" thresholdLow=".4" thresholdHigh="2.5" freq="5" length="0.4" sample="suspensionWheel"/>
   <FFBSuspension device="wheel" scale="1.0" thresholdLow="2.5" thresholdHigh="20.0" freq="5" length="0.4" sample="suspensionWheel"/>

   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="0.07" thresholdLow="0.01" thresholdHigh="0.6" damageZone="0" freq="20.0" length="0.1" sample="scrapeCollisionLow"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="0.07" thresholdLow="0.01" thresholdHigh="0.6" damageZone="0" freq="20.0" length="0.1" sample="scrapeCollisionHigh"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="2.0" thresholdLow="0.6" thresholdHigh="10.0" damageZone="0" freq="15.0" length="0.2" sample="smallCollisionLow"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="2.0" thresholdLow="0.6" thresholdHigh="10.0" damageZone="0" freq="15.0" length="0.2" sample="smallCollisionHigh"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="2.5" thresholdLow="10.0" thresholdHigh="5000.0" damageZone="0" freq="10.0" length="0.5" sample="largeCollisionLow"/>
   <FFBCollision device="wheel" scale="2.5" thresholdLow="10.0" thresholdHigh="5000.0" damageZone="0" freq="10.0" length="0.5" sample="largeCollisionHigh"/>

   <FFBSkid device="wheel" scale="1.2" thresholdLow="0.9" thresholdHigh="1.1" thresholdMin="3.0" freqLow="4" freqHigh="30.0" load="1.0" length="0.2" sample="skidBack"/>
   <FFBSkid device="wheel" scale="1.6" thresholdLow="1.0" thresholdHigh="1.3" thresholdMin="3.0" freqLow="16.0" freqHigh="16.0" load="1.0" length="0.1" sample="skidFront"/>

   <FFBSuspension device="wheel" scale="0.25" thresholdLow="1.6" thresholdHigh="20.0" length="0.25" freq="7" sample="suspensionR1"/>
   <FFBSuspension device="wheel" scale="0.25" thresholdLow="1.6" thresholdHigh="20.0" length="0.25" freq="7" sample="suspensionL1"/>

   <FFBRevs device="wheel" scale="0.25" thresholdLow="0.1" thresholdHigh="1.2" freqLow="1" freqHigh="18.0" scaleLow="0.2" scaleHigh="0.95" length="0.05" sample="revEffect"/>

   <FFBSample name="scrapeCollisionLow" wave="9" envelope="61125521121"/>
   <FFBSample name="scrapeCollisionHigh" wave="9" envelope="98721" channel="1"/>

   <FFBSample name="smallCollisionLow" wave="9" envelope="986454321"/>
   <FFBSample name="smallCollisionLow" wave="9" envelope="982312531"/>
   <FFBSample name="smallCollisionHigh" wave="9" envelope="986454321" channel="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="smallCollisionHigh" wave="9" envelope="982312531" channel="1"/>

   <FFBSample name="skidBack" wave="9" envelope="0" channel="1" solo="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="skidFront" wave="9" envelope="9" channel="1" solo="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="largeCollisionLow" wave="9" envelope="98675462584" solo="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="largeCollisionLow" wave="9" envelope="98765432629" solo="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="largeCollisionHigh" wave="9" envelope="98675462594" channel="1" solo="1"/>
   <FFBSample name="largeCollisionHigh" wave="9" envelope="98765432628" channel="1" solo="1"/>

   <FFBSample name="suspensionR1" wave="9" envelope="9564720" channel="0"/>
   <FFBSample name="suspensionL1" wave="1" envelope="9564720" channel="1"/>

   <FFBSample name="revEffect" wave="91" envelope="9" channel="1"/>

   <FFBSample name="smallCollisionWheel" wave="124689" envelope="97654321000"/>
   <FFBSample name="largeCollisionWheel" wave="5697641345" envelope="9879987542312"/>

   <FFBSample name="suspensionWheel" wave="64" envelope="9"/>


Za vse volane priporočamo rotacijo od 200°-540° ali še bolje med 270°-400°

Vibration & Feedback Settings (Recommended)


Advanced Wheel Settings (Recommended)


Logitech G25 & G27

Logitech Profiler Version 5.10.127

Logitech Driver Version 5.10.127

Logitech Profiler Settings

Options -> Global Device Setting


Windows Control Panel -> Game Controllers -> Logitech G25/G27 -> Properties -> Logitech G25/G27 Racing Wheel Properties -> Settings


Fanatec Clubsport Base v1 & v2

Driver Version : 205 (BETA)

Firmware version: 53

Windows Control Panel -> Game Controllers

Note: Connect the Fanatec Pedals via USB


Windows Control Panel -> Game Controllers -> ClubSport Wheel -> Properties -> Settings


Fanatec Clubsport Base Device Tuning Menu

SEN (Sensitivity): SEN default: OFF

FF (Force Feedback): FF default: 100

SHO (Shock): SHO default: 100

ABS default: OFF

LIN (Linearity): LIN default: OFF

DEA (Deadzone): DEA default: OFF

DRI (Drift mode): DRI default: OFF

FOR (force): FOR default: 100

SPR (spring): SPR default: 100

DPR (damper): DPR default: 100

Thrustmaster T500 RS/F1 Racing Wheel

Firmware: 43


Windows Control Panel -> Game Controllers -> Thrustmaster T500 Racing Wheel -> Properties

Thrustmaster T500 RS Control Panel -> Test Input Tab


Thrustmaster T500 RS Control Panel -> Gain Settings Tab






EDIT: Združil in delno prevedel navodila iz Steamcommunity ter Racedepartment.

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Joj,sedaj sem prvič od kar je prišel ta patch za FFB fural kar 4 ure skupaj in sploh se ne morem naveličati. Volan sem si nastavil na 540°,ker se mi zares ne da motati kot norc in je zares super. Ful

Pri original verziji maš velik boljši občutek.

Ne vem ka je tak težk nardit da maš tak ko naprimer v vseh ostalih naslovih, daš 900 stopinj pa ti sam da realne stopinje..če tega ne bojo implementrial se lahk nasuvajo nekam.

Najlepša hvala Matjaž. Končno lahko odpeljem stage in vsaj dobim nekaj povratnih informacij na volan kaj se dogaja z kolesi. Sicer sem poskusil dati volan v logitech profilu na 270° ampak je nevozno,saj že majhna sprememba na volanu naredi velik obrat v igri,kar je razumljivo. Nastavil sem si na 400° in je super za vozit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Evo. Sem brskal po netu in najdu neke informacije o steering rackih, uporabljenih v avtih. Sem tud govoru z Markom jeramom, ki dela za MSport, pa ni vedu za nazaj kašne obrate so mel, sm pol kr na Cosworth poslal mail, če oni vejo za svoje modele. :P Se bo lista updejtala, ko zvem nove reči.


900°+ lock with manual 

900° lock with manual 

1980 RWD
900° lock with manual
790° lock with manual (BMW) 

1980 GrB
650° lock with manual (Audi Quattro)
900° lock with manual

1990 GrA
720/650/540° lock with manual 

2012 WRC
540° lock with sequential

Uredil - Arne Dopudja
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Ne vem ka je tak težk nardit da maš tak ko naprimer v vseh ostalih naslovih, daš 900 stopinj pa ti sam da realne stopinje..če tega ne bojo implementrial se lahk nasuvajo nekam.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Joj,sedaj sem prvič od kar je prišel ta patch za FFB fural kar 4 ure skupaj in sploh se ne morem naveličati. Volan sem si nastavil na 540°,ker se mi zares ne da motati kot norc in je zares super. Ful mi je cool,ko lahko avto "flikneš" v oster ovinek že samo z volanom in ti sploh ni potrebno uporabljati ročne (razen ostrih zavojev). Sedaj vsaj vem kaj se dogaja z avtom,kakšen je oprijem. Sploh je super,ko zapelješ na led,je volan kar na 1x mehek. Zares velik napredek in vse pohvale Codemasters-u za trud,ki ga vlagajo. Sedaj pa še samo čakam na nove proge (Deutchland uber alles  [it]  ).

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  • 2 months later...

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