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probaj v igri se enkrat setirat volan, ce si prvic s konrolerjem ni ne ve se zmer?

za foro si backupiraj save file in ponovno resetiraj profil...boljs prej kot kasnej ;)

Uredil - AliBuggy
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...a ves un feeling, ko ga picis in vse klapa, potem pa sredi velikega skoka na Finskem ugotovis, da te prevec ven nese...ti pa nimas vec kej narest Po skoku direk v maline, ki so ze olesenele .

Vztrajam :) Po 3 odfuranih prvenstvih v carrer mode mi gre vedno boljše, zdej že skoraj zares dirkam...:) Sem že poskusil tud ene par daily eventov (sprva precej neuspešno, saj sem šel brez

Nekaj sm brskal po netu glede Dirt rallya in našel info, da so vse proge tudi resnične Glede na današnjo tehnologijo in dostopnost podatkov (lidar posnetki terena) je to sicer logično in neprimer

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generalizacijo V2 na vse bolide in posledicno s tem tudi prilagoditev volan nastavitev za vse avte se se caka. Trenutno je za ene asfalt z V2 za ene boljsi kot prej za ene slabsi...stvar osebnih pesku ni neke hude razlike oz. je sam ne opazim men V1 in V2 avtomobili. Kaj (ce sploh) se bo pa delalo na tem pa noben ne ve...morda pride kaksen custom popravek za FFB, ceprav mislim da samega obnasanja rakovice na asfaltu ne more v mojem primeru bi bilo vsaj to ok, ker nimam prav nobenih povratnih informacij na svojem volanu trenutno na asfalt progah

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A se da kako napotke sovoznika sistemsko zakasnit (kakšen ini morda), na Finskem mi namreč ovinke sporoča en ovinek prezgodaj (za 3. ovinek mi sporoči po prevoženem prvem), pri hitrih zaporedjih včasih celo dva? Povsod drugje dela ok, na Finskem se mu pa utrga, verjetno se je zaradi hladnega vremena napil vodke in ne nadzira več jezika??
V nastavitvah igre si za Finsko nastavim later, a še vedno debelo prehiteva.

Hvala za pomoč.

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A se da kako napotke sovoznika sistemsko zakasnit (kakšen ini morda), na Finskem mi namreč ovinke sporoča en ovinek prezgodaj (za 3. ovinek mi sporoči po prevoženem prvem), pri hitrih zaporedjih včasih celo dva? Povsod drugje dela ok, na Finskem se mu pa utrga, verjetno se je zaradi hladnega vremena napil vodke in ne nadzira več jezika??
V nastavitvah igre si za Finsko nastavim later, a še vedno debelo prehiteva.

Hvala za pomoč.

Da te pomirim, nič ni narobe z tvojo vožnjo ;) Prav kmalu bo nov popravek glede tega. 

Tukaj pa prilagam,kaj vse lahko pričakujemo v naslednjem popravku in na čem delajo:


As many of you will have already known this week didn’t go entirely to plan. We had originally planned to release the Modern Masters pack however we were unable to do so as we hadn’t received all the necessary permissions to feature one of the cars. I know it’s been frustrating for you guys as the dates on the website have been changing and the messaging has been pretty mixed but suffice to say we are now extremely confident that we will be setting the update live early next week.
I’ve not really spoken much about what is going into the Modern Masters pack in the last few road books. The cars have been the subject of much speculation on the DiRTy Gossip Thread with some very correct and extremely wrong suggestions doing the rounds. I figure with it being just around the corner I might as well explain a bit about what you can expect next week.

R4 Cars

So with the R4 class we wanted to introduce some modern cars that are seen throughout the world of rally but aren’t necessarily from the top tier of the sport. The Subaru Impreza WRX STi (the hatchback one) and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X were the best fit for this class. They are great fun to drive despite carrying a bit more weight than the other rally cars and each have their own character. I’m sure that all you Mitsubishi and Subaru fans will get a kick from hustling these cars around our stages.


We’ve also added two more cars to the 2000s roster and I think they fill a gap that we have been missing from the more contemporary era of rallying. We’ll be adding the Citroën C4 Rally and the Ford Focus RS Rally. These cars are running their 2 litre engines and are packed with more complex differentials than the 2010s cars. They offer a fresh challenge to their class and require quite a different driving style to one another.

v.2 Handling

As part of the update well be putting the v.2 handling onto the Group B and Group A cars. These were probably the most primitive cars as they were some of the first cars we made with the v.1 handling model so they have probably seen the most dramatic changes. I absolutely love how the Group A cars drive now and the Group B cars are the true challenge they always should have been. As with the last update we will be resetting the leaderboards for these car classes when the update goes live. The simulation guys are now hard at work completing the v.2 pass on the remaining groups (Kit Cars, Group B RWD and Pikes Peak) ready for the Winter Wonderland Pack.

Additional Features

We’ve managed to squeeze in some of the features that you guys have been asking for. We’ve added Stage Distance and Elevation to the stage information screens and added manual controls for the windscreen wipers and the headlamps (if you want control over them). We’ve also added a system that means that you are more likely to get mechanical faults if you haven’t repaired a part well enough in the service area.
We’ve added some additional options such as grid order and control over the assists for hosts of PvP sessions as well as adding the Player Preferences menu to the Lobby and Online Service Area so that you can adjust your settings without having to pause in an online race. We’ve also made the steering wheel rotation match the rotation of your steering wheel when you have turned the driver arms off. While this isn’t the perfect solution it is the best we can do at this stage given the limitations in our animation system.
We’ve even added seat adjustment so that you can now move the seat forwards, backwards or tilt it. This may cause some bugs when you push things to the extremes with a very high or low FOV but we’ll be tidying it up for Winter Wonderland.


We’ve also done a load of fixes as we are busy tidying up DiRT Rally ready for its full release. We’ll be doing a full list when the update goes live but here are some of the highlights: 
• Adjusted some of the co driver call timings in Finland we’ve also made them louder too
• Advanced custom wheels settings now save correctly (including clutch deadzone and saturation settings)
• Fixed some achievements that weren’t working correctly
• The mouse pointer hides when the mouse is not in use

That’s all for this week’s road book. I will see you on the DiRT Show next week I promise!

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hahaha sm kot en bebec gledal o kakih sporočilih govorite xD Ammm, ja na finski zelo prehitro pove kar hoče (ponavadi mam na early naštimano, na finski morem met na later, ker drugače mi pove 5 ovinkov naprej od koder sem -.-)... pa prepotiho tud, tko da jst finske sploh vozu nism, ker enostavno nisem slišal sovoznika. Super mi je tudi, da se brisauci ne bojo več po svoje uklapljal, ker meni je blo zelo moteče (najbrž moja super koncentracija pripomore k temu :D

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Ja,sedaj si boš moral brisalce in luči sam vklapljati. No slednje se itak moraš takoj vklopiti,če je nočna dirka IMHO,ampak brisalci pa so se včasih kar brez veze vklapljali kar je bilo malce moteče. No, to bo pripomoglo še k večjemu realizmu,kar je fino. 

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