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No če lahko bi se malo pohvalu, in sicer (že zgoraj na sliki je) je bil moj skin med 20 izbranimi za mod Radical SR3 sicer so pri Studio 397 nekaj pacali z barvami, tako da je dejansko malo drugače iz

No, da poskusim, vsaj malo demantirati vse komentarje uporabnikov, ki igre niso niti preizkusili... Grafika: Ja grafika je taka kot je.. Meni osebno je všeč, če imaš vse vklopljeno, hdr, veter, izp

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Stvar se ni bistveno spremenila, tako da tistim ki vam prej igra ni odgovarjala iz kakršnegakoli razloga pač, vam verjetno tudi sedaj ne bo. Glede public serverjev ni nič drugače kot je bilo, bolj žalost(če prav ironično stvar deluje popolnoma normalno). Je pa seveda stvar precej drugačna kar se ligaškega tekmovanja tiče, kjer je zelo popularna platforma. Kar se tiče optimizacije, dvomim da še imajo kaj veliko maneverskega prostora in verjetno bo tukaj hardware napredek tisti, ki bo prišel naproti bolj tekoči izkušnji. Manjka tudi še kar nekaj avtomobilov, s katerimi so nas preko slik dražili preteklih 5 let. Nekako pokažejo par slik nekega avtomobila, nakar potem vse utihne. Očitno je, da jim pri razvoju škripa in je za njih prevelik zalogaj glede na to kar vse bi radi naredili. In potem je razvoj  počasen kljub temu da redno izdajajo posodobitve. Ali se jim plani ne poklapajo ali kaj vmes pride tako kot sedaj ko so verjetno vse ostalo pustili in so začeli delat na Nascar seriji z vsemi pravili in fiziko, ker pač smatrajo, da bi to lahko ponovno oživilo rF2 platformo. Je pa eno dejstvo, kar je hkrati tudi absurd da velik odstotek da precej tudi na vizualno podobo. Jaz sem prepričan, če bi rF2 delal na novejšem grafičnem pogonu, da bi bila to ena najpopularnejših public platform, četudi bi bila optimiziranost na popolnoma istem nivoju. Ljudje pač padajo na bonbončke in to je dejstvo.

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Mi je pa všeč da se lahko connectaš na vse serverje ker ti avtomatsko dol potegne mode za tisti server. Optimiziranost je zelo napredovala od takrat ko sem nazadnje sprobal, tak da neki bo že v soboto na dirki.

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Skip Barber Formula 2000 v1.54 Now Available!


Changes from 1.46:

– Revised tyres

– Moved to ultra chassis (with flex)

– Updated to ModelWheelsIncludeAllTireMass=1 fix

– Bumpstop fix

– Tweaked undertray locations

– Minor AI correlation tweaks

– Updated shaders

– Updated textures

– Updated liveries

– Helmet no longer goes through cockpit

– New car icons

– Added rim blur

– New tire textures

– New tire damage textures

– Moved to new steering system

– Added descriptions and new variables

The Skip Barber Formula 2000 is the perfect car for either a complete rookie or a seasoned expert to hone their skills. A true racers car, it is balanced in such a way that it works well when driven well, and will work badly (often spinning off the track) when driven badly. If you don’t drive with good technique, it punishes you: It teaches you how to best drive almost every race car you will ever drive…

The first thing to note is that of the two configurations, the National version is both easier and faster to drive. The Regional version takes significantly longer to warm the tires, etc, but both configurations do have the same handling traits overall.

It is very important to keep the throttle down while turning, as this will keep the rear suspension loaded and the car more stable. Weight transfer is also critical, and any changes to throttle input on entry or mid-way through a turn, which will shift the weight away from the rear and cause “lift off oversteer”, will often lead to a spin.

Smooth input is probably the most important aspect of this car, and any car. You must smoothly turn in, carefully feed in the power, try not to fight it too much in the corner, then smoothly let the wheel run as you exit the turn. Always be aware how much the car moves around underneath you, the car will not react well if you put a wheel on the grass on turn-in: That loss of grip will be devastating.

Most importantly: Don’t give up on it. If you can adapt your driving style to this car, and drive it well, you will become a better driver in everything you drive. The frustration of spinning out will all be worth it if you can beat this car.

Additional recommended reading material is Going Faster, which documents a lot of the techniques required in good detail.

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