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No če lahko bi se malo pohvalu, in sicer (že zgoraj na sliki je) je bil moj skin med 20 izbranimi za mod Radical SR3 sicer so pri Studio 397 nekaj pacali z barvami, tako da je dejansko malo drugače iz

No, da poskusim, vsaj malo demantirati vse komentarje uporabnikov, ki igre niso niti preizkusili... Grafika: Ja grafika je taka kot je.. Meni osebno je všeč, če imaš vse vklopljeno, hdr, veter, izp

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"Unstable Build Releases

We have decided to pre-release any builds which we feel would benefit from a wider testing group. This release is not completely open. The release should not be shared, mirrored, publicized, re-linked in any form by any news sites. Also, private individuals should not share the build, mirror or re-link. It is effectively an ISI Forums community release.There is a forum above where issues found can be posted, it is passworded. We feel there is likely to be confusion otherwise. We would prefer that those helping us with unstable testing do not share information about those builds in the other forums, except to perhaps say "that is fixed in the build currently testing" where you know it appropriate. The password is primarily to avoid cross contamination of issues, not for secrecy, and that's really the ideal I'm asking from you. Please don't confuse people by talking too much about what you're doing with a build they don't have.Unstable releases will usually be Release Candidates. That means we are nearing the release of what we would normally release, but want a wider test group so that we can find more issues, fix more issues, and ultimately release a better build to those who only want the stable release.Unstable release, doesn't mean it won't work at all (though it might not).Get started in the dev corner, and scroll to the bottom of the page."

Torej trenutni nestabilni relis je 339.

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Včeraj zvečer sem probal 339 verzijo in morem rečt, da so izbolšave predvsem grafiko. Ko zapelješ v pesek je zdaj tak lep prah, ne krogci, pa rain sprey je zdej ful dobr narjen, ni več tko v pasovih ampak tko k v resnici..

Vse je mal bl shiny, pa barve niso vec tok barvaste..

Uglavnm je boljš kot je blo, ampak še vedno velik slabša grafika kot AC, ki sem jo včeraj upalil po dolgem času.

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Sem sprobal še 342 zdej. Sama igra sedaj izgleda mnogo bolje kot pri verziji 300. Tudi fps so se mi dvignili za cca 10-20%, tko da sem si še malo dvignil samo nastavitve v igri tko, da sedaj izgleda res super.

Vožnja po dežju in v spreminjajočih se pogojih je sedaj čista poezija :D Komaj čakam, na kakšne ligaške dirke :D

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Probajte ;)

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Mi lahko prosim kdo pove kako to da je tako malo ljudi online za rfactor 2. Mislim včeraj sem šel online in so praktično vse dirke prazne razen najvišjih treh v lobbyju pa še te imajo po dva igralca.

Je mogoče treba spremenit srever ali kaj podobnega, rad bi vozil nurburgring s kom pa je vedno prazen.

Zanimame tudi kje bi lahko dobil kakšne car packe ker je za nektare dirke treba zdownloadad tudi po 20 car modov avtomatski mod loader pa seveda v špilu ne dela in vedno faila downloade ker ne najde serverjev.


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