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@markop v meniju, kjer izbiraš skin (v Flat6 jih je 52 :D ) klikni  "TUNING". Malo se poigraj s temi power steering nastavitvami. Ampak, kot je že Alen povedal, načeloma vse deluje out of the box. Nastavi tudi AUTO BLIP ON :). Zgoraj je force setup gumbek. lahko ga uporabiš, če želiš nastavitve ohraniti, kot privzete.

FFB Blip.jpg

še moji controlsi:

ffb settings.jpg

car spec ffb sem malo potestiral ponoči. Vse kar je nad 1.30 je pri meni preveč. Sebring postane takorekoč flat :D . Vse neravnine dobesedno izginejo iz informacij na volanu. V temo za jutrišnji event sem  prilepil  en setup, probaj s tistim, da bo čim več parametrov enakih, preden se spustiva v iskanje alternativnih rešitev hehe :)

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No če lahko bi se malo pohvalu, in sicer (že zgoraj na sliki je) je bil moj skin med 20 izbranimi za mod Radical SR3 sicer so pri Studio 397 nekaj pacali z barvami, tako da je dejansko malo drugače iz

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GT3 Power Pack Updated for rFactor 2


Studio 397 have deployed a first update to the recently released GT3 Power Pack that brings some new features and improved performance in game.

The new update comes just seven days after the very first rFactor 2 paid DLC was released to the public via the Steam network, and impacts all five cars of this latest GT3 themed DLC offering for rFactor 2.

The main focus of the update would around improving the framerate hit when using these cars in comparison to older content, however Studio 397 have managed to sneak in a few nice updates and improvements to the cars alongside this much requested FPS boost.

Notable for the improved damage model that came as part of an update alongside the DLC drop, the developers have put in some further work to refine the sensitivity to contact with other cars and their surroundings, hopefully bringing the reaction of the latest damage model closer to where the studio feels is appropriate in what is a very much improved aspect of the simulation.

Other notable changes include some new animation around backfires for all five cars and other visual tweaks, which can be read in the changelog below:

McLaren 650S GT3 2017 v1.79

  • Reworked tire and rim blur animation.
  • New backfire animation.
  • Fixed spokes sorting in front of debris/smoke.

Bentley Continental GT3 2017 v1.15

  • Adjusted LOD distances for better performance.
  • Reworked tire and rim blur animation.
  • Damage sensitivity adjusted.
  • Backfire smoke/vapor added.
  • Fixed spokes sorting in front of debris/smoke.

Callaway C7 GT3 2017 v1.15

  • Adjusted LOD distances for better performance.
  • Reworked tire and rim blur animation.
  • Damage sensitivity adjusted.
  • New backfire animation.
  • Fixed spokes sorting in front of debris/smoke.

Mercedes AMG GT3 2017 v1.07

  • Reworked tire and rim blur animation.
  • Damage sensitivity adjusted.
  • Backfire smoke/vapor added.
  • Fixed spokes sorting in front of debris/smoke.

Radical RRXC GT3 v1.09

  • Adjusted LOD distances for better performance.
  • Reworked tire and rim blur animation.
  • Fixed black artifact appearing in cockpit.
  • Backfire smoke/vapor added.
  • Fixed spokes sorting in front of debris/smoke.


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Ne vem, nisem vozil, ker sem iz nočne in sem prilepil zaradi changeloga, da ne pozabim kasneje ;) Kot je zadnjič že Grebenc omenil, so zunanji zvoki perfektni. Mislim, da notranjih kaj dosti ne bodo spreminjali. Saj niso slabi, le moja pričakovanja so bila mogoče malo večja. Sem se očitno tudi malce na EGT modu razvadil :D

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