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Vse daš na minimum oz. izklopiš, pa imaš najboljši performance [owje]

Razen trackside objects mal dvigneš, zarad lažje orientacije, točk zaviranje itd.

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Estoril na voljo:!rQoVzYjR!A0N96Op0IXXTz7MVx-MQTWeXin0V04iirvkx2yLJkdI  

Spielberg ver2.0 iz sezone 2016: Sem bil gor in vse kar se je dalo poslikal, tako da sem lahko repliciral progo. Upam, da vam bo všeč.

Končno: Grobnik verzija 1.1    

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Bonča Spielberg 0.6 je izjemno čudovita proga. Vsi detajli so zelo dovršeni. Sem odpeljal sedaj nekaj hitrih krogov in moram reči,da si se spet izjemno potrudil. 3D trava,prelepa drevesa,skratka teksture so čudovite. Asfalt je res lepo narejen,robniki prav tako,izletne cone tako kot morajo biti,replay kamere,skratka vedno bolj me presenečaš z svojo nadarjenostjo ;) Bravo,le tako naprej  [ok]  [dance]


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Spielberg, Red Bull Ring verzije 0.7.

To pa je to :)


version 0.7 (11.6.2015):
- added grooves (dynamic ones, which change during racing)
- changed 3d grass reflection (normals) and texture
- changed 2d grass textures (ground in forest were changed as well)
- added and changed some trees (changed lighting too)
- changed lighting of most of many object, to looks more real
- changed all 4 cameras, so they are set to give batter feeling when watching replays
- drivable polygon behind pits; to enter: on right side when entering pits, or in turn for South course on right between concrete blocks
- lots of small modifications

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Kako lahko rečeš "To pa je to",če pa je verzija0.7 :D Saj vemo,da se bo končalo pri 1.5 ali pa več,ker strmiš k perfekciji ;) Čeprav ne vem kaj še bi lahko sploh popravljal :D

Ti povej :)


No, za zdaj je kar uredu, čakam pa kaj boste rekli, da potem še to popravim, oz. izboljšam.

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Spielberg verzije 0.8 je na voljo:


Kaj je novega (v ang):
- added some indicators for the cracked, worn out asphalt (its not brand new in 2015)
- changed some objects grass to be drivable (which I previously forgot)
- rising maximum pits and starting grids up to 32 (from 30)
- added pit crew to pits (for having your own crew in team colors, same as on original AC tracks)
- added fans on grandstands and out on grass
- added some vehilces (medical cars, cans, trucks and cars)
- added skidmarks on starting grid
- splitting grooves into different parts (so they will display differenty, depending the type of groove)
- changed textures for background mountains on south side
- changed curb between turns penultimate 8 and ultimate 9 and curbs out of 9 turn on the left side
- changed reflection for all the curbs (reflection level)
- changed reflection for 90% of all object to be more real in daylight and darkness
- changed starting lights on the s/f line
- created new drains in runoff areas in 1st turn and between turn 8 and 9 (last sector)
- fixes some mashes (road, grass, curbs)
- fixed some blue/white tyre walls
- added cows near the farm on the north
- added sounds for cows and fans on grand stands (both sounds are not working, AC related)
- added/changed some more draining system (1st turn, uphill into 2nd turn, 2nd turn, and between turn 8 and 9)
- changed runoff area in turn 9 (last), from blue to austrian flag (like its now on F1 weekend)
- changed reflection for all runoff areas

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