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Okayama je zrihtana in je vam na voljo tukaj. Povejte svoje mnenje, da vidm kaj mi je uspelo narediti v 9 mesecih.

Lep pozdrav fantje. Imam nekaj novega za pokazat. Nova proga v izdelavi:  

Hehe...moral sem;  

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Lahko furaš modane avte. Potrebno je spremljati uradni forum od tam ko si dobil mode in delati po navodilih. Problem je v skinih,da meče errorje,ker je potrebno dati v fajlih ui_skin.json na koncu končnice }




    "skinname": "Sanyo Racing",
    "drivername": "Joe Faster",
    "country": "USA",
    "team" : "Sanyo-Mobil1-Racing",
    "number": 74



Enako je pri ui,kjer se nahaja datoteka ui_car.json

Moderji so dodali tudi nov file aero ini kjer je odstranjena vrstica data in jo lahko tudi sam odstraniš.Še 1x spremljajte uraden forum,kjer ste dobili mod. Nekateri moderji so naredili celoten popravek,nekateri pa so le dodali datoteko,ki je moteča.

Glede volana pa nimam jaz nobenih problemov.

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Open Letter to Kunos Simulazioni and the Community


Dear Kunos Simulazioni,

There is no doubt that what you have managed to achieve over the lifetime of Assetto Corsa, from its early access period to it's current state (v1.1), has been incredibly impressive, especially considering the relative size of your development team (approximately 15 people, we believe). From the humble beginnings of a single track, and a couple of sports cars, Assetto Corsa has become one of the highest selling racing games on steam, and deservedly so, thanks to intelligent investment, ultra-high quality (and popular) content, unparalleled driving physics, and a vast expanse of modding capability. Assetto Corsa easily has the most potential to be something truly great out of all the current simulators on the market today.

However, despite all of these fantastic things, there is still one aspect of Assetto Corsa (that we here at RaceDepartment are especially passionate about) that is detracting from the rest of the game in a significant way: Multiplayer functionality, usability and netcode solidity. In its present state, we feel that the quality of the multiplayer experience is still vastly inadequate in comparison to not only the the rest of Assetto Corsa's competition, but inferior even to that of games seen in the early-mid 2000's. From a users perspective, the way Assetto Corsa handles latency differences and especially collisions, is not exactly what you would call a pretty sight, and this must be addressed if Assetto Corsa is to be taken seriously by online racing communities such as this one.

Having a well-oiled multiplayer machine, so to speak, is essential to the long term sustainability of a simulator to not only remain relevant to the consumer, but to have them coming back for more (iRacing, rFactor 2 and Game Stock Car Extreme are all excellent examples of this, and all of them, incidentally, are your direct competitors in the sim market). Unfortunately at the present moment, we don't feel that Assetto Corsa's multiplayer currently offers the stability and function required to keep the clients coming back for more. As a result, we've seen a distinct trend in our RaceDepartment club races where we have a vast influx of drivers soon after a significant update, and then a significant drop off in participation within a period of a week or so, as the drivers quickly realise that the other competing racing sims still offer more features and enjoyment during multiplayer races.

Properly functioning multiplayer races with fully supported features including sector splits, live timing, broadcast/spectator mode, stable netcode for high ping users, reverse grid features, multiple races, far more numerous number of grid slots (what GT series races with only 24 cars?), pitstop improvements and many many more features are all necessary for a complete and sustainable sim that will not only be profitable for you in the long run, but will also maximize the users enjoyment and will vastly increase the life span of the sim.

If you look at it from a 'man and machine versus the track' perspective, then few other racing sims out there can compete with what Assetto Corsa offers in terms of physics, sound and track immersion, providing what is probably the best hot-lapping and practice simulator available to the consumer ever created. However, looking at it as a 'multiplayer racing sim', then you quickly realise just how far Assetto Corsa seems to be lagging behind the competition.

We completely understand that such things take time to develop, and we are more than willing to be patient and wait for improvements for the multiplayer side of things to progress, however, Assetto Corsa has been in development now for more than enough time to warrant an acceptable standard of multiplayer functionality and stability. Given the huge level of success that Assetto Corsa has experienced, we believe that budgetary constraints might not represent such a big hurdle anymore for the studio, especially in terms of netcode investment.

Whilst it cannot be stressed enough just how amazing the quality of the content (cars and tracks) has been, we here at RaceDepartment feel very strongly that you, Kunos Simulazioni, must shift your attention from implementing new cars and tracks to improving the functionality of the game. If it is not addressed soon, then you'll run a real risk of seeing a significant and rapid decline in the population of the Assetto Corsa user-base.

As the largest SimRacing community in the world, we sincerely hope that the issues highlighted above will be focused on more heavily in future, as we believe that Assetto Corsa has the potential to be one of the top class racing simulators on the market.

In closing, we would like to leave you with one final thought, and that's that; whilst it's a surreal and genuinely spine-tingling experience to be able to drive highly accurate replications of legendary race tracks and cars, what is the point of all of this incredible content, if the limitations of the game's functionality and usability are preventing us from realising its full potential?

Hopefully in the not too distant future, Assetto Corsa will prove to be the amazing racing simulator that we, and everyone else, know it has the potential to be.

Kind Regards,


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Nekaj takšnega bi lahko tudi Sloracing spesnil in morda se bo kaj izcimilo. Res je,da je igra zelo napredovala in da zelo veliko obeta ampak je še vedno dosti maneverskega prostora,ki bi se ga dalo še izkoristiti. Tako kot piše v pismu je najbolj potrebno polikati multi,ker konec koncev je to bistvo vsega tega sim cirkusa.

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Lahko furaš modane avte. Potrebno je spremljati uradni forum od tam ko si dobil mode in delati po navodilih. Problem je v skinih,da meče errorje,ker je potrebno dati v fajlih ui_skin.json na koncu končnice }




    "skinname": "Sanyo Racing",
    "drivername": "Joe Faster",
    "country": "USA",
    "team" : "Sanyo-Mobil1-Racing",
    "number": 74



Enako je pri ui,kjer se nahaja datoteka ui_car.json

Moderji so dodali tudi nov file aero ini kjer je odstranjena vrstica data in jo lahko tudi sam odstraniš.Še 1x spremljajte uraden forum,kjer ste dobili mod. Nekateri moderji so naredili celoten popravek,nekateri pa so le dodali datoteko,ki je moteča.

Glede volana pa nimam jaz nobenih problemov.


Sej moddi so večinoma pobrani z race departmenta, tko da zdej to ne bo problem porihtati. Jepa fajn, da vprašaš tukaj, kje tiči zajc  [it]

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Joj jest sm že čist obupov :/

Ko grem v assetti v mp ali zaženem Al mi grafična deluje samo 20 % kar pa bi moralo biti ravno obratno... posledično je mp nevozen ker mi zbije iz 200fps na 30 fps...

Verfy vedno opravil nič bolj

Igro na novo potegnil dol nič bolj...

izbrisal driverje za grafično naložil od beta do najstarejših driverjev pa nič boljše...

ter visual cc in net framework vse sm na novo naložil...

Zdej pa še zadja šansa a ma kdo win 8.1 in mu deluje normalno čene bom pa probal naložiti win 7 še zadnja šansa :(

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