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Assetto Corsa


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Žiujo. Zanima me kateri post-procesing effect se najbolše obnese, ker so nekateri za moj občutek malo temni. Fpsji niso problem mam use na ultra pa je lepih 70-100 fps. Hvala za osgovor


Dobrodošel na forumu! 


Glede PP efektov je zadeva dost subjektivna. Predlagam, da greš v špil in potem s pomočjo aplikacij spreminjaš nastavitev. Tako boš v realnem času vidu spremembe in se boš lahko odloču, kaj ti je najbolj všeč. 


BTW, nisem prepričan, če je izbira PP efektov ingame že po default omogočena. Lahko, da bo treba v assettocorsa.ini datoteki vključit DEV apps.

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Okayama je zrihtana in je vam na voljo tukaj. Povejte svoje mnenje, da vidm kaj mi je uspelo narediti v 9 mesecih.

Lep pozdrav fantje. Imam nekaj novega za pokazat. Nova proga v izdelavi:  

Hehe...moral sem;  

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Precej hvalijo tale post-procesing mod, ki ga boš našel na uradnem forumu pod imenom: Daubster's enhanced graphics (share-al in pohvalil ga je tudi eden izmed developerjev).
Zgleda pa takole - v torek ga je posodobil, tko da naj bi bilo sedaj še malo boljše:


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Mogoče je krivo da prej nism PP uporablu ker so pač vsi zgledal tako slabo, zdej ko sem tega vkluču je bolš, ampak nism testiral vmes nič ko sm spremenil kanale za zvok iz 64 na 32. Tako da mogoče je tudi to.

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Marco Massarutto 


Hello everybody. I think it would be right to recognize that sometime, some sentences in a language cannot be reported directly in another without changing their sense, so I think it would have been better to ask me to confirm some passages before to post a news like this, instead to base it on an automatic translator. I'm sure the author is in good faith, anyway maybe my thoughts could have been reported more fairly.


Therefore, without any polemics, let me just clarify in english some sensible points:

rain: in future we might plan to introduce wet conditions in AC: the premise was that we know that wet conditions are very important for some people, but game statistics tell that aren't really used so much. Being a little studio (sometime people forget it), we must be focused on those features and contents that we are sure people really will use.


Out of records: about comments like "without rain AC is not a complete simulation", I answer: you're right. A 15-people studio can develop a good simulation. But not necessarily a complete simulation. Some racing simulations do not have rain, some do not have AI, some do not have a proper physics model, some have fictional or very few official contents, some do not have laserscan tracks. AC does not have wet conditions. For now. Because I haven't said that AC will not ever have wet conditions. The correct translation is "we might have plans to introduce wet conditions in future".


night conditions: the correct translation is "I doubt we'll have night race conditions". This feature would require a work-around, because the AC engine has not been designed to support this feature in a native way. AC will support endurance races on a 10-hours cycle, from early morning to sunset.


Assetto Corsa 2: the question was: average lifetime of a videogame is about 3 months, with very rare exceptions: does KUNOS want to support AC for long time with DLCs and future updates, or you are already thinking about an AC2?


My answer: we plan at least one year with updates and additional contents. We'll use next year also to evaluate the feedback and reaction of people on mid-long term. Assetto Corsa is going very well, and its success can evolve it by a successful game to a successful brand. If this will be the case, it would be natural to make some plans for an AC2 in future (with night and rain conditions - and this part was intended to be auto-ironic), but for now, we prefer to stay focused to finalize AC and its future updates.


So, AC2 is not in our plans, at today, and it would be a total nonsense. Because we are still working on AC.

Hoping to have been helpful, take care.

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Nisem nič sledil temu PP-ju. Kaj to neki spremeni grafiko? V čem je trik?


To ni noben trik(vsaj ne za uporabnika),če pa gledaš iz strani grafičnega oblikovalca pa je res trik oz, igranje z barvami. Če v igri spreminjaš grafični post-processing boš videl razlike,kot so senčenja,prikazovanje barv,sončni žarki so bolj iztopajoči,ki se preminjajo glede na nastavitve samega filtra. Torej nekateri so nastavljeni tako,da ti prikazuje v igri bolj tople barve,spet drugi bolj sive,....nekateri filtri pa so modificirani z strani moderjev,ki pa so približek realnosti in igra izgubi tisti "cartoon look". Torej z igranjem barv,senčenja,zamegljenosti(blur)in drugimi dejavniki pričarajo igralcu dosti bolj realno grafično podobo. Da pa bo vse skupaj delovalo tekoče,mora biti tudi grafična kartica sposobna realno časovnega izrisa slike,kajti PP efekti požrejo kar dosti resursov,kar lahko privede do zatikanja in drugih grafičnih anomalij. Torej pri izbiri PP efektov v AC moramo upoštevati,da pri hotlapu morda igra ne bo blokirala,pri dirki z Ai z recimo 24 vozili na štartu pa se zna zgoditi,da bo igra dala vetra grafični kartici,sploh takšni srednjega cenovnega razreda. Več o PP si lahko prebereš tukaj .

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