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Drag zame ni "racing" ampak eno navadno ameriško sranje [krniki]

Zato so porabili 14 dni programiranja, da se bo lahko 1000 američanov z mcdonaldsom in kokakolo v eni roki pomerilo na 500 metrov.

Ostalo pa definitivno podpiram...

Tudi zame ni drag ;) To se mi zdi da je bolj za tiste, ki se v ovinke ne znajo hitro peljat, pa mislijo da rabijo za to samo ravno cesto.

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Okayama je zrihtana in je vam na voljo tukaj. Povejte svoje mnenje, da vidm kaj mi je uspelo narediti v 9 mesecih.

Lep pozdrav fantje. Imam nekaj novega za pokazat. Nova proga v izdelavi:  

Hehe...moral sem;  

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Eh ni res DarkSide, vsaka oblika motošporta je nekaj posebnega (tud Nascar!). Drag racing podpiram ker Kunosu ne bo vzela skor nič časa in energije da ustvarijo ta način, samo če pa vidim kako sliko off-roada kot je rekel play, takrat bom pa začel dvomit haha [krniki]

@play; saj imaš npr. lotuse, F458 stock itd... supr avti za drag, tako ko na TopGearu ;)

Razlika AC bo sigurno v povsem novem voznem modelu, npr. Lotus v demu se pelje in čuti VELIKO bolj mehansko in 'naravno' kot v katerikoli drugi simulaciji ala rF ali gtr2.

Stefano Casillo je obljubil oz. vsaj rekel da bo v AC vsak avtomobil kot druga simulacija, torej vsak avto naj bi bil nekaj čisto svojega. V rFactorju npr. pa ni takih razlik med avtomobili, pač razlike so glede na pogon, moč, gume, trdote podvozja itd. No tisti ki znate vozit boste razumeli kaj mislim povedat :P

EDIT: Še en starejši intervju;

How did the deal with Ferrari come about? It must have been amazing to get a call from Ferrari and have them express interest in your engine.

Marco Massarutto – In late 2007, we have been involved in a GT project from a hi-level motorsport federation that had seen and appreciated the Trento-Bondone hillclimb course made as DLC for netKar PRO: the GT project was very ambitious and officially-license based. Unfortunately, the promoter had underestimated the challenges related to managing the licensing for such a product, and in less than one year, the project had been deleted. However, meanwhile we worked with the main Italian GT racing teams in order to acquire data, photos and all that’s needed to reproduce cars and tracks. So, we were put in touch with Ferrari and we had the chance to show them our technology. It seemed that we were the people Ferrari was looking for their FVA project, and “here we are”. I could write a story about all the facts involving us and Ferrari since 2008 to 2011. I will just say that the project has required so much attention, work and resources that we haven’t realized that “the guys of nKPro” have worked with Ferrari until the project has been completed. My most special remembrance of all the Ferrari project is when, after the deal has been reached, we left Ferrari HQ at Maranello, passing through its main gate. Me and Stefano (Head Programmer and founder of Kunos Simulazioni) looked back and smiled. The Mona Lisa smile, you know what I mean? There I’ve seen that “a circle was closed”. In that moment, we had reached a milestone, and a new beginning, at the same time. That moment has been very special, and I will preserve it for my entire career, whatever we’ll do in the future. Starting to play with Grand Prix 2 in 1996, I never dreamed that racing games would bring me there.


Torej sodelujejo s pravimi moštvi že od leta 2007 in zbirajo podatke. Prav tako imajo(dobre) veze s Ferrarijem. Plus to da so že naredil netKar pro ki je super(realistično) za vozit(bolje kot vse ostalo) mi pove da bo AC kmalu prišel na 1. mesto pri simulacijah, problem je le iRacingov sistem tekmovanja in večje št. prog, avtov...

Nisem iRacing hater, samo mislim da mi bo AC enostavno precej boljši. Zaenkrat pa mi je GTR2 in rF dovolj.

Since 2009, our R&D office is hosted inside the Vallelunga Racing Circuit: therefore we are constantly in touch with racing teams, car manufacturers, and this also gave us the chance to improve our development tools. In Assetto Corsa, graphics, sound and physics engine have been completely redesigned, also taking advantage of the experience made in this special location. We work closely with some racing schools, and their teachers constantly test our software updates, helping us to find those aspects and features that need to be improved.
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To, GT3! Sm mislu, da bo samo street verzija.

Ta avto mi je najljubši na iRacingu. Komi čakam, da ga lahko še v AC sprobam - ma zanima kako bosta kej primerljiva za furat (nekako se mi zdi, da bo iRacing težko dohajal).


Uredil - Matjaž Murn
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