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Okayama je zrihtana in je vam na voljo tukaj. Povejte svoje mnenje, da vidm kaj mi je uspelo narediti v 9 mesecih.

Lep pozdrav fantje. Imam nekaj novega za pokazat. Nova proga v izdelavi:  

Hehe...moral sem;  

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Na TH TX je bilo tako da sem moral držati en gumb na bazi da je postavilo stopalke v inverted mode in je potem bila sklopka gas in obratno. po moje je tudi na 500 tako ali pa se motim.

Mode knof na bazi držiš nekaj sekund da ti spremeni (če je rdeča luč so f1 pozicija, če je zelena luč so gt pozicija)

Uredil - vajtos
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  • 2 weeks later...

- New Porsche 911 RSR 2017 for Porsche Pack 3
- New Mazda MX-5 Miata NA
- New Mazda 787B: mod skins made for the original 787B mod will need to be updated using the new template

- Added OpenVR/Vive support (beta)
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 ND setup ride height false indication
- Fixed Alfa Romeo Giulietta QV gearbox damage
- Adjusted Lotus 72D and Ferrari 312T tyre compound wear and heat ranges
- Fixed Flag rendering for VR
- Fixed colour balance for emissive items (lights+digital) when Post Processing is turned off
- Added downshift protection alert (can be disabled through the launcher options)
- All GT2/GTE cars default to Medium tyres now (also for AI)
- Fixed broken rendering when OCULUS mode is selected but no Oculus is actually connected
- Added Pitstop arrows to DirectInput Dpad: bind to the wheel dPad: can be overidden by controls.ini [ADVANCED]DPAD_INDEX_OVERRIDE=0
- Added Pitstop quickmenu + Setup pitstop strategy: this can be custumized and disabled by system/cfg/pitstop.ini [SETTINGS]USE_MOUSE_PITSTOP=0
- Updated Fanatec library to support new wheel bases.
- Fixed possible CPU warning when player gets retired.
- Multiplayer features:
    - Added reversed grid races: the race session will be restarted in reversed grid order based on the standings of the previous race. Players disqualified in the first race will start from the back of the grid in the second race, regardless of their position being within the reversed grid range.
    - Added locked entry list in pickup mode: same as in booking mode, only players already included in the entry list can join the server (password not needed).
    - Added car Steam ID sharing in entry list: each car in the entry list can feature multiple GUIDs. Players can share that car (one at once). The name inserted in the entry list is used as driver name.
    - Fixed server result log not displaying invalid laps.
    - Fixed end-of-race session status for lapped players in lap races.
    - Added Mandatory Pit: a pit window can be added to the race session. As a design choice, players need to stop at their pit box within the pit window to have a valid pit stop. Players with pit boxes further down the pitlane need to take this into account before deciding on their strategy. Players may make additional pit stops before and after the pit window, but only making a mandatory stop in the indicated pit window will validate their race. Server admins must decide on a pit window that allows all players, regardless of their pit box position, to comfortably make a pit stop under normal racing conditions.
- Updated Shared Memory

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Kot organizatorju je men všeč, da so dodal možnost zaklepa serverja na Entry list. Torej lahko gor pridejo samo tisti, ki jih dodaš v entry list. Dodali so reversed grid možnost, ter možnost obveznih postankov v boksih (tu še nastaviš kdaj se boksi odprejo ter kdaj se zaprejo).

Ni mi pa jasno kako bi lahko bili na R1 vozniki diskvalificirani in postavljeni na začelje. Mogoče, če ne bi izvedli postanka? Bo treba testirat mal...

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Just now, Matjaž Murn said:

Kot organizatorju je men všeč, da so dodal možnost zaklepa serverja na Entry list. Torej lahko gor pridejo samo tisti, ki jih dodaš v entry list. Dodali so reversed grid možnost, ter možnost obveznih postankov v boksih (tu še nastaviš kdaj se boksi odprejo ter kdaj se zaprejo).

Ni mi pa jasno kako bi lahko bili na R1 vozniki diskvalificirani in postavljeni na začelje. Mogoče, če ne bi izvedli postanka? Bo treba testirat mal...

Ali pa ce imas "penalties on", sekas ovinek in se ne ustavis za tistih nekaj sekund...? Vsaj zdi se mi da se je nekaj taksnega zgodilo meni pri prejsnji dirki.

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Kaj to pomeni da imamo lahko endurance dirke ko si 2 ali več voznikov deli en avto ?

- Added car Steam ID sharing in entry list: each car in the entry list can feature multiple GUIDs. Players can share that car (one at once). The name inserted in the entry list is used as driver name.

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Pred 12 urami , mihagapiha je napisal:

Ali pa ce imas "penalties on", sekas ovinek in se ne ustavis za tistih nekaj sekund...? Vsaj zdi se mi da se je nekaj taksnega zgodilo meni pri prejsnji dirki.

Pa verjetno tudi pri prehitrem štartu, ko dobiš kazen in je ne odslužiš.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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