baty 484 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 aris-kunos simulazioni . Hello chaps! So the RedPack is almost here and it has some amazing cars that couldn't be more different from one another. So here's some advice to help you get the most out of it. First of all, let's assume you want to drive all the cars one after another. The order which you will try the cars is very important and it might make your experience amazing or miserable... take this piece of advice. Do not, let me repeat that, DO NOT try any other car and especially the old Maserati's 250F, AFTER you have tried the modern Ferrari's F138 and SF15-T. If you intend to jump on those cars right away, take your time, have fun... then try the other cars later and most importantly give your brain plenty of time to readjusts to the speed sensation, braking points and grip levels... The F138 and SF15-T are simply alien. There's nothing to compare with in AC. When I was doing the development of the cars, in the first week I would often stop AC, go find an onboard real video on YouTube and double check the speeds, simply because they would seem unreal to me... and every time I was slower than real life. They are THAT fast! So it's perfectly normal that when you step off a car that does 330kmh and brakes at 100meters for a 2nd gear turn, and hop into a Maserati 250F from 1954 that does 250kmh and needs to brake at... 1km away from the turn ( )... well you can understand that some kind of practice is needed to enjoy the slower cars again. Other things. Power Unit. The SF15-T has the modern power unit. We simulate MGU-K, MGU-H, Batteries, energy deployment and recovery limits, engine braking, active rear braking torque and more. All of it has various key combinations to activate various values and profiles. Use CTRL+1,2,3,4 to activate the various values and profiles and you'll see also explanations on the top of the screen and we also have a dedicated app named: "ERS MANAGEMENT" All of it will be explained in a dedicated post later today. We have brake temps, but only for a couple of cars. As usual, for such important new features we do a step by step approach. We think the brake temps work pretty good, but we need to also implement air ducts and possibly different pads, before we can do some more hardcore brake fade effects. As usual, in the following months we will improve the new feature and update all the cars. Thank you for your patience. Tyre model V10. What is it? Why V10 and not V8? We have rewritten the whole tyre model. The driving feeling will be very similar to v7 with small and subtle differences especially on combining forces. Why V10 and why the rewrite? The new tyre model permits us to have more precision on the output values and create better graphs that we can compare in a much more efficient and precise way with real data, enabling us to improve the tyre model even more. So the V10 name is because of the total rewrite. In terms of values for the modders, there are a couple of new values and some considerations to be done on older values, but nothing too radical. Only most of the RedPack cars have the v10, but as usual we are going to update all cars in the following months. Ok so... I think that's all for now... Thank you for the support and for the always useful feedback that help us provide fixes and improvements in the following days of a new release. Have fun! 1 Citiraj Link to post
skopusnik 1 374 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 Še Maseratija GT4 smo dobil / kupil, in pa terenca Levante Citiraj Link to post
ingange 379 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 HAHAHA same hude mašine . 250f oba ti narišeta nori nasmešek na usta , sploh na ravicah ko ovinkaš kot da si kapitan ladje . Ko pa probaš F1 pa je vse ostalo ........... Končno imamo tudi DHL simulator , vsaj kaj se višine sedenja tiče _Levante_ Maseratija in GT3 ferarija sem probal za formulo - moram se resetirat da lahko podam mnenje . Zgornji nasvet je na mestu F1 probajte nazadnje . Citiraj Link to post
mancSLO 1 945 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 (urejeno) Jeeeee: Realtime App: Added road/ambient temperatures and grip Added jump start Uredil July 14, 2016 - mancSLO Citiraj Link to post
Mitja Bonča 583 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 Meni osebno je moderna F1 kar nekaj. Ta star Masarati pa seka. RBR je hud, čeprav nič kaj dosti boljši od moje verzije. Skratka dober nakup pa Red Pack. Citiraj Link to post
57X 962 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 Tele moderne nastavitve pri Ferrari SF15-T.. komu kaj jasno?? Citiraj Link to post
Miha_1st 119 Napisano July 14, 2016 Share Napisano July 14, 2016 Stefano je v zadnjem streamu poizkusil pojasniti: 1 Citiraj Link to post
57X 962 Napisano July 15, 2016 Share Napisano July 15, 2016 Hvala Miha. Tole sem včeraj začel gledat, ko sem čakal na update. Seveda nisem počakal do konca.. Citiraj Link to post
silicijeva dolina 1 254 Napisano July 15, 2016 Share Napisano July 15, 2016 Tale ferrari SF15-T je pravo čudo tehnike napram F138. Ko sem si nastavil vse gumbe na volanu sem sproti pozabil zakaj je kateri Cel DLC mi je zelo všeč. RBR je lepo narejeno dirkališče,ki pa zares ne izstopa kaj dosti od tiste,ki jo je naredil Bonča,tako,da je to samo dokaz,da je Mitja pravi mojster,ki je vložil veliko truda v to dirkališče. Maserati GT4 je super dirkalnik,ki mi je zelo všeč. Ferrari GT3 prav tako,čeprav je glas dirkalnika zelo moteč in tisto pokanje pri down šiftanju je skoraj enako kot pri Mazdi Mx-5 CUP Maserati 250F je prav fino za vozit,saj zahteva obilico manevriranja z volanom in avto venomer sili v nek drift. Citiraj Link to post
bofu 175 Napisano July 15, 2016 Share Napisano July 15, 2016 (urejeno) Pred 23 urami , 57X je napisal: Tele moderne nastavitve pri Ferrari SF15-T.. komu kaj jasno?? Evo, kot obljubljeno je Aristotelis spisal vse in še več o tej F1 zverini Me kar mine, ko vidim koliko podatkov ... Uredil July 15, 2016 - bofu 1 Citiraj Link to post
alkoro 676 Napisano July 16, 2016 Share Napisano July 16, 2016 Maserati 250F T2 12C najboljši avto RED PACK-A, če ne celo celotne igre. Slabe bremze, V12 zvok, preveč moči (torzija šasije ), ozke gume, PURE JOY. 1 Citiraj Link to post
silicijeva dolina 1 254 Napisano July 20, 2016 Share Napisano July 20, 2016 To je Praga R1R in je češkega porekla. Ne vem,če si vedel,ampak ta avto (prej bi lahko dejali dirkalnik) lahko tudi registriraš,mu nadaneš registrske tablice in že se lahko fijakaš po mestu. V kokpitu sta nameščena dva sedeža iz karbona in sovoznikov je dejansko bolj kot ne za okras,saj zelo težko sediš v njem. Tud voznikov ima malce smešno postavitev,saj sediš bolj kot ne poševno. Aja,avto stane 190.000€ Kaj to pride v AC? Citiraj Link to post
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