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Ne vem, ampak mislim da jih je danes spet nekaj j.... meni je enkrat vse za sec šteknil ko sem peljal prvi stint.. 

Bomo pa naslednjič zmagal ... če bodo serverji zdržal :D


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Pred 1 uro , edgeslo je napisal:

Za TS sem vedel , za Discord pa ne... Thank's,zdaj vem za drugič :)


Kaj si zrihtal microfon? Škoda,da so včeraj ponagajali serverji. Izkušnja je noro dobra. Dirkališče je sicer na kožo pisano C7 DP ampak z dobrim setupom lahko tudi z BMW konkuriraš Audiju in MB. Ne razumem pa zakaj niso dodali še Mclarna. 

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Sem. Tako kot se mi je zdelo, win se je sam upgradal in med drugim zamenjal driver za audio. Par minut jeze,rollback service pack-a in zadeva spet dela :)

BMW je cool avto, samo na Daytoni je sitting duck.. enostavno ima premal hitrosti po ravnini, je pa sigrno najboljši gt3 avto pri zaviranju... Žal pa Daytona ni tak tip steze, kjer bi lahko na zaviranju pridobil ogromno. 


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Hi everyone, I thought I’d do a FAQ about this car since I have a feeling there will be a lot of questions after experiencing a realistic Porsche Cup car. A little about me, I am a pretty active iRacer and use it to prep for upcoming races. I am the 2015 Porsche Carrera Cup USA champ and American Scholarship Driver, as well as a Finalist in Porsche’s Junior Factory shootout. iRacing is absolutely my favorite sim and a 991 Cup is absolutely my favorite racecar. Feel free to ask more questions below than the ones I’ve pre-answered. 

Wait so this is a GT3? 

Yes and No. The car is modelled after Porsche’s 911 GT3, but it is not a GT3 spec racecar. This will not compete against the Mercedes/Audi/McLaren/BMW’s. This car is designed to be in a spec one-make series. It does not have TC/ABS like the GT3 spec racecars. Those cars were designed with gentlemen racers in mind, this car was not. It is difficult to drive! 

What’s that robotic sound when I shift a gear? I don't hear it in any other car. 

That’s the paddle shift mechanism that was introduced with the 991.1. In short it’s just an air compressor charging up. Here is the technical answer: 

The paddle shift system is used by the driver to change gears and to protect the drivetrain against incorrect handling. Shift paddles on the steering wheel, pass electrical signals to the Bosch engine control unit when they are actuated. The shift request is evaluated in the Bosch ECU and transferred to the APS control unit. The compressor integrated in the APS unit generates compressed air and stores it in the unit's pressure reservoir. When the shift request from the paddle is transferred to the valve block by the controller, the gear shift cylinder engages the required gears. The system pressure is between 6 and 6.7bar ( 87.0 –97.2psi). If system pressure falls below 6 bar ( 87.0psi), the compressor is switched on automatically. 

Technically speaking, all the GT3 cars have this system (it’s the exact same as the audi system). It’s just really damn loud in the Porsche due to it being right next to your head, I made the mistake of driving this car without a helmet and my ears hated me! 

Woah I hit the brakes and red lights came on the dash! What are those for? 

Lockup lights, they will come on when the car notices a certain percentage between the wheel speed and the GPS speed. The top left lights mean you're locking a LF, Top right for RF. The bottom lights on the display will signal rear lockup in the exact same way. 

Wow I must be locking up a LOT, there is no way these cars are this sensitive on the brakes, right? 

These cars are not designed to be easy to drive, therefore it will take time to learn how to maximize the brakes. IT took me until the last round of the season to become 100% confident with the brakes and to properly use them every time. 

The best trick I use with them is, if you're not locking (or on the verge of) the rear tires in the initial brake hit, you will lock the fronts at apex. Don’t be afraid to be on the very limits of the brakes, Porsche designed these cars to find and groom their talent. Don’t expect to master the brakes in the first week. 

I don't have that much overall grip and I keep snap oversteering, what should I do? 

These cars have significantly less aero grip than a GT3 spec car. They should feel on edge in a corner above 3rd gear. Don’t be afraid to slide it a little, but don’t press it too far as there is not much room to recover! It’s a fine line to dance! 

Once your braking is done, focus on rolling as much speed to the apex as possible. Literally let the car coast and keep as much weight on the front axle as possible. As soon as you are at apex get back to throttle hard! This car does not like maintenance throttle, as it will take weight and grip off the front tires, causing you to turn more, and ultimately snap the car into a slide when you get back to the throttle. 

Here's a good example, listen to how patient he is getting back to throttle. 

Treat it more as a V8 Supercar than a GT3 spec car. 

Wow, I was behind someone and I lost a lot of front grip but didn't gain much in the draft, is that normal? 

Yep, especially with the 991.2. This is a slippy car through the air, don't expect to blow by someone in the draft, you’ll have to earn it in the brake zone. Also this car does produce a bit of downforce from high 4th gear up, so expect a little aero understeer when following close behind! 

Lastly, does this feel realistic? 

I’ve done a couple laps at each track I’ve raced them at, with the setup directly off the real racecar. And my answer to that is…. Holy Fuching Sh!t Oh My God YES! Every tendency that I’ve picked up to drive this car properly works exactly as is on here. Little quirks that happen at Watkins or Sebring happen the exact same way. I’m in absolute love with this car. 

Top job iRacing, this is next level!

Uredil - markop
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