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“In April we have an awards system coming out, where you'll earn 74 different awards at this point. We'll have the damage repair completed for every car. We're going to do a teaser release for the new tire model. That looks like it's going to go. We're going to roll it out for the Nationwide car and probably a road car as well. The new Nationwide car will be in the build, if you own the existing Nationwide car you will get that for free. We're going to roll out the Okayama track in Japan, we're going to give that away to everyone for free. New graphics for Skip Barber car, we'll start some animation in the sim in this build. New telemetry tools coming out, the list goes on and on. There's a hundred small things in this build, a lot to do with hosted racing. You can schedule hosted racing a year in advanced. You can pick different sessions for hosted racing or private league racing, two hours sessions, four hour session, six hour sessions, a bunch of things like that.

The July build is the real big one though with the new tire model launching, heat racing. We're going to roll out some driver aids for hosted sessions and certain series. Major aero changes, these drivers will be able to drive the high line so much better. So we're real excited about that, obviously really excited about the tire model. The Suzuka track, Iowa, the Ford GT car, LMPT2 car coming out in that build. The list goes on and on, there is a lot coming out this summer.”

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Danes odpeljal prvo GrandAM dirko z mixed class. Moram rečt, da sem si naredu celo paniko - preden joinaš session piše, da je 50 min. Potem grem not, nalijem cca 15 litrov več bencina kokr se mi je zd

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Posted Images zelo srbi, da bi spet aktiviral account. Za 3 mesce samo $10 pa še tolk novih stvari (al pa če jih ne bi blo). No.....definitivno bom podaljšal, sam ne vem al bi že zdaj al mal kasnej. Časa mam do 15. maja. Če bom zdej, potem ne bom znal več race 07 vozt, tko kot je blo nazadnje. Sam je pa res takšen užitek vozt iRacing, da je težko opisat.

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Ufff veš da ne morem pa pogledat ker mi sam teži naj podaljšam...tko da ko podaljšam te dodam... bom najbrž nasljednji mesec...tik preden propade ponudba [iz]

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Mare, verjemi mi, da sem večkrat preveril, če sem dobil ta mail preden sem napisal prejšnji post. Že nekaj časa razmišljam, da bi obnovil naročnino in sigurno nebi spregledal take ponudbe.

Zadnje kar sem dobil od njih je bilo 24. marca in sicer tole:


That’s an entire year of racing for just $69! Here is what you get with your membership:...

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Samo je res zanimivo... zdaj vidim, da sem dobil dva maila... tako za potekli account kot za aktivnega... ne spraševat, preveč lepa akcija je bila da je ne bi vzel :D


prilagam še svoji promo kodi, ki ju ne rabim - zdaj vidim komaj, da niso enake za vse :)



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Ja, to je pa res zanimivo...eni dobijo dve kodi, enim pa še ene ne morjo poslat! [jezik12]

Res prijazno od tebe, da si delil z nami svoji kodi, samo mislim, da ne bodo nikomur prišle prav...sem sprobal obe in za obe napiše invalid code tako, da očitno vsak od tistih, ki ste dobil kode ste dobili različne in so vezane na osebni account. Edino, če me nista že dva prehitela in izkoristila it dve kodi. [wall]

A komu slučajno dela katera od teh dveh?

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