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Danes odpeljal prvo GrandAM dirko z mixed class. Moram rečt, da sem si naredu celo paniko - preden joinaš session piše, da je 50 min. Potem grem not, nalijem cca 15 litrov več bencina kokr se mi je zd

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Glede Nurburgringa še vedno nisem nič rešil pa sem jim že poslal najmanj 10 mailov in vedno dobim odgovor:


I believe you will find our FAQ: helpful with this issue.
This error typically means there is something wrong with a track file. 
Sometimes simply logging out and back into iRacing will resolve the issue.
Other times, rebooting your computer.
If it's only happening with one particular track, you can navigate to C:\Program Files\iRacing\Tracks and delete that one problem track. Then go back to the members site and redownload and install. 
If that doesn't work, go back and delete that one problem track and also the tracks.dat and version.txt file in the Tracks directory.
If it's happening with all tracks, delete the entire tracks folder and reinstall all of the tracks.
Please let us know if you are still having issues. 

Malce me že mineva potrpljenje.

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Slabo, slabo. Ni kaj za dodat. Probi na uradnem forumu kej sporžit. Mogoče privatno piši David Tuckerju in mu zadevo razloži. Da si že pisal, bla bla in če lahko FW-ja pristojnim.

Oz, temu piši direktno na PM:

Uredil - MarkoP
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@MarkoP to je super uvrstitev [ok] 

No sedaj so se začeli malo drugače pogovarjati glede mojega problema okrog proge. Sicer še ni rešitve,ampak upam,da bo kmalu.


OK - we can see that the .dat file is not getting installed.
Can you please let us know which browser this is happening with and if the same thing happens if you try with another browser type (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome)?

Sem jim odgovoril,da je enako z Mozilla Firefox. Pa tudi ostale proge,ki sem jih kupil mi jih je normalno naložilo.

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Sedaj so mi to poslali:

Hmm, we tried to see if we could send you a copy of our nurburgring.dat file zipped up but this is not possible.
Is there a good time we can schedule for us to remote into your machine and take a look?
We are typically here Monday - Friday from 8am - 5pm EST (United States) but we can try and make arrangements for other times as well.
Once we set a time, I will send you a link to start the remote session.

Kaj mi lahko samo nekdo pove, koliko je pri nas čas,ko je pri njih 8am-5pm :D Vem,da je to od 8 zjutraj pa do 17h popoldan,samo ne vem koliko je takrat pri nas čas :D 

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Sedaj mi je na pomoč priskočila Susan Flint (oddaljena pomoč) in je bila zelo začudena,da zadeva glede Nurburgring-a pri meni ne deluje :D Svetovala mi je še,da naj jutri naredim uništal AV-ja in poskusim potegniti progo z iR. Me prav zanima,če bo delovalo :| 

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