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Sem zbrskal ven release notes za S1/2016:

Malo berem skozi to. Je kar major update. Grafiko so zboljsali z, to bo kar dobrodošlo.

Ruf-a so končno popravili, saj je znal zaribat, če si preveč časa vozil v zavetrju (temperatura motorja, olja). Na Monzi je blo kar nekaj odstopov zaradi tega.


Uredil - MarkoP
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Danes odpeljal prvo GrandAM dirko z mixed class. Moram rečt, da sem si naredu celo paniko - preden joinaš session piše, da je 50 min. Potem grem not, nalijem cca 15 litrov več bencina kokr se mi je zd

Pogled znotraj novega bolida

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Moji prvi odzivi:

1) Novi tire sound & PopcornFX so super. Dobro kako gume drsijo.

2) Slajfa z nekaj vec surcafe detaji v primerjavi z AC. Se cuti na volanu. Camberji in visinske razlike mogoče nekoliko bolj izrazite.

3) BBQ time :) Backfire efekt je dober.

4) Trava in kamencki letijo naokoli tudi po stezi, ko se vrnes na stezo.


Uredil - MarkoP
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7 minutes ago, PEK said:

Kok je cena za progo? A so različne konfiguracije? 

Cena za progo je 14.99 $, vendar:


- New track added! Take your vehicle of choice out for a spin on this legendary German road course. Now the longest and largest track in, the Nürburgring is sure to provide you with months of learning and improving your lap times on the multiple course configurations and give you the opportunity to put your road racing skills to the test against other players from around the world. 

- This track is so large that it comes in two parts: If you purchase the Grand Prix package you get access to the various configurations that use the Grand Prix course. If you purchase the Nordschleife package then you get access to the Nordschleife configurations. And if you purchase both, then you also gain access to the configurations that utilize both the Grand Prix and Nordschleife courses! 

- The Tourist config of the Nordschleife supports Bridge to Gantry timing. The pit speed limit applies across the whole width of the race track, you must not exit the pit speed limit area too fast or you will carry the black flag into the timed portion of the lap and not get a scored lap time. You may drive past the pits directly to start another lap, but you must slow down to pit speed to do so. Any black flags you may be carrying at the time will be cleared once you are down to pit speed before you start the next lap. 

- Due to the very long nature of the configurations that use the Nordschleife, it wouldn't be much fun to crash while learning the course and have to start back in your pit stall every time. To remedy this, the Nordschleife configurations have "reset stalls" placed at strategic locations around the length of the track. When you reset your car, you will be placed at the most recent reset stall you passed before you triggered the reset, so you can continue working your way around the track from there. Reset stalls are only available in Testing and Practice sessions; in all other types of events you will reset back to your pit stall as usual. When pulling out onto the track from a reset stall, we recommend that you first check to see if anyone is coming up on you at speed and letting them by, rather than pulling out directly in front of them. 

- Starting grid supports up to 60 racers. 

- DRS Zones are in all configs that use the Grand Prix circuit. 

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pred 2 minutama, MarkoP je napisal:

And if you purchase both, then you also gain access to the configurations that utilize both the Grand Prix and Nordschleife courses! 

Se prav če hočš vozit vse varjante moraš 2x15$ dat? 

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Tako je GP je posebaj za kupit. Če imaš obe pa je menda 17 konfiguracij sem nekje zasledil. Možno ?

Je pa noro dobro narejena. Danes morem ponovno v AC, da osvežim. Na prvo žogo je v IR bistveno težja. Več detaljev okoli steze in več detaljev v asfaltu. Težja je tudi zato, ker če fanj v robnik pripališ boš poškodoval avto in ga bo malo v stran neslo ali ne bo lepo zavijal. Tudi gume boš poškodoval ob kakšnem izletu.

Uf uf...IR je naredil major build se mi zdi. FFB so tudi nekaj malega dodelali. Sedaj tu pa tam celo RUF-a ulovim, ko gre počez.

Uredil - MarkoP
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