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Danes odpeljal prvo GrandAM dirko z mixed class. Moram rečt, da sem si naredu celo paniko - preden joinaš session piše, da je 50 min. Potem grem not, nalijem cca 15 litrov več bencina kokr se mi je zd

Pogled znotraj novega bolida

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:) Sem bin na podobnem. Sem naredil 2 dirki v SPA z 3x vsega skupaj in sem dobil okoli 0.7 SR, tak oda sem čez mejo. Malo sem dirkal z rezervo, vendar je bilo vseeno pestro. Skip je kar na nivoju, ker se dirkanja tiče. Dokaj fer dirkači.

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"Update: Our team has been at it all day and night, working to get the servers and new build up and running. We don't have an eta at this point. Several people will continue to work overnight and the rest will come back early in the morning our time. We are really sorry for the extended down time and appreciate your patience while we get iRacing back up and running.

We hope to be able to report some progress in the morning. While you wait you can use this link to complete the new download:"

Fanj jim gre narobe. Vem kako je to :)

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