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Danes odpeljal prvo GrandAM dirko z mixed class. Moram rečt, da sem si naredu celo paniko - preden joinaš session piše, da je 50 min. Potem grem not, nalijem cca 15 litrov več bencina kokr se mi je zd

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Mack onboard. Kvalifikacije za WCS serijo. Prva dirka. Se pravi, to je PRO serija. Top 25 napreduje v WCS. Mack je sicer že vozil v letošnji sezoni WCS, ampak ker je prepozno dobil PRO licenco, je zamudil kar pol sezone. Na koncu mu je zmanjkalo samo nekaj točk, da bi sezono zaključil v top 25. S tem bi se izognil tem kvalifikacijam, ki jih vozi sedaj. To samo pove, kako hiter dirkač je. V dirki je tudi Marin Čolak. Trenutno v top 10.


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Avto naj bi izšel čez teden. Bo pa takojšnja zamenjava za Williams. Sicer ne v PRO seriji, ki poteka sedaj, amapak v WCS, ki bo naslednje leto. Nisem še čisto siguren, kako bo s postanki v boksih. Govori se, da bodo pravila enaka F1. Se pravi, KERS, DRS, samo menjava gum. Bomo videli. Zna bit zanimivo prvenstvo.

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Iz bloga Steva Myersa. Nivo kamor gre IR me navdušuje, res. Ko bi se vsaj vse to preslikalo v "placebo efekt".


Our McLaren MP4-30 Formula One car is shaping-up very nicely.  Now before you start making comments about the combustible nature of the car’s engine let’s put this into perspective.  I don’t know this for sure, but I feel pretty confident that McLaren saw the writing on the wall this season and that, coupled with the fact that we have an outstanding relationship with them, provided us with a truly unique opportunity.  Nobody in this industry goes further to try and accurately replicate a race car than we do and I quote Jonathan Neale when I write that “McLaren has never given anyone the amount of data on a car than what they gave us.”  And then we went back and asked for more…..

Think about that last statement again for a moment.  We have been provided access to a current Formula One car in order to integrate into our sim at a level nobody else has ever seen.  Laugh all you want about the performance of the engine this year but we are still talking about one of the most technically advanced vehicles that has ever been produced; and we are going to bring it to you in a level of detail never done before in this (or any other) space.

Just to give you an idea of the new technology we have developed for this car (by the way we received updated CAD for the MP4-30 as recently as three weeks ago), we are integrating all the technology you would expect in a currently competing F1 car.  This work has required us to redesign our engine model to support the F1 Energy Recovery System (ERS) which allows us to harvest thermal energy from the turbo and braking system.  We are then propelling the car with a Motor Generator Unit (MGU) that provides a bank of extra electrical power that you will be able to use for overtaking.  Because you will not be able to harvest enough energy to fully recharge the system, you will need to manage this extra power over the course of a race.  You will also need to manage your fuel to ensure that you have enough to run the full race distance.

We will also be implementing a Drag Reduction System (DRS) which I am sure is familiar to many of you.  Basically there will one or two zones around each track where, if you are within a second of a car in front of you, you are allowed to open a flap on your rear wing to reduce drag.  During qualifying and practice you will be able to open the flap in the marked DRS zones regardless of your proximity to another car.

When the new car is released we will have all of the primary tracks used with the F1 cars configured with DRS zones and will roll-out additional tracks as time allows.

Ultimately it is our goal to also have multiple tire compounds available for the McLaren MP4-30 in a session and require the use of both.  Unfortunately, this feature will not be in the December release but it is our goal to have it ready for the start of the 2016 iRacing World Championship Grand Prix Series.

Another piece of content that will be shipping in the December build is a track you might have heard of called the Nürburgring.  We will be releasing the Nordschleife and GP Strecke as two separate tracks, but if you have both you will be able to combine them as into one long circuit as used in the 24 Hours of the Nürburgring.  All told, the tracks will have 12 different layouts including the “Tourist configuration” which we will use in a hot lapping competition when the tracks are released.  We will NOT be shipping a feature that allows you to be a passenger in a Ring Taxi on the verge of throwing up like myself…

As you can imagine, we are very excited not only about the release of the Nürburgring.  But we are also pretty stoked about the opportunities we have in working with the track management.  We actually have the co-owner of the track visiting us this week to sit down and talk about how we can work together moving forward!  And yes, we have been talking about the VLN series and have plans on trying to do something with that series.

One project that became a necessity with the development of the Nürburgring is the ability to share pit stalls in order to increase the car counts at tracks with limited space on pit road.  Although the project was initially designed to enable us to use the maximum number of cars on the Tourist configuration, for the December build you will also be able to add up to 60 cars at Daytona, Sebring and Spa as well as the Nurburgring.  Down the road we will expand this track list as we have time we will expand this track list as we have time.


Uredil - Matjaž Murn
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