gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Reiza studios je znana moderska skupina, ki je med drugim ustvarila tudi nam dobro poznan mod za rFactor Formula Armaroli, ki smo jo vozili pozimi. Skupina se je odločila, da izda svoj prvi plačljivi produkt in sicer Brazilsko serijo turnih avtomobilov. Gre za avtomobile s 480 konjskimi močmi, katerih najvišja končna hitrost je okoli 270 km/h. V igri je na voljo 34 različnih dirkalnikov in 10 različnih prog. Igra uporablja gmotor2 grafični pogon, ki ga poznamo iz igre rFactor, GTR2, Race07,... Igra stane 29,99$ oziroma dobrih 21€, vendar lahko najprej preizkusite "demo" različico, ki jo lahko uporabljate 30min, da se boste lažje odločili, če je igra vredna svojega denarja. Uradna stran igre in tudi download link se nahaja na naslednji povezavi: Onboard posnetek: 3 Citiraj Link to post
gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Avtor Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Jest bom popoldne ko pridem domov. Pomoje zna biti zelo uredu. Fizika, naj bi bila precej podobna rFactorju, kar niti ne čudi, ker so se dolgo odločali če bojo to izdali kot samostojno igro oziroma samo kot mod za rF. Grafika je baje lepša kot v rF ali Race.. Bomo vidl.. So pa baje implementirali tudi neke vrste "kers". 8x na dirko se ga lahko vključi pri prehitevanju.. Bi bilo fino vidt, če se bo folk spravu delat mode za to različico "rFactorja".. Citiraj Link to post
PEK 2 291 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Nevem,... 20eur za rfactor mod pravzaprav. Citiraj Link to post
gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Avtor Share Napisano July 21, 2011 20€ za 34 avtov+10 prog.. v Primerjavi s race dodatki, kjer sta 2 nova avta in 1 ali 2 novi progi za pol cene se mi niti ne zdi tako drago Citiraj Link to post
mAxL 1 106 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Avta sta dva...skinov pa 34 Citiraj Link to post
gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Avtor Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Dobr.. Tut skine je treba narest Je pa še zmer 10 prog. Citiraj Link to post
gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Avtor Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Na so pripravili dokaj obširen review.. Spodaj nekaj izmed njihovih komentarjev.. Grafika: This starts with the nicely modeled & textured cars that come with detailed interiors and good-looking textures. The Stock Car Brasil series didn’t give the developers much to work with though as all cars have exactly the same interior and only two different body-shapes for the two makes, resulting in little optical variety. Another feature worth mentioning is the damage model as small bits and pieces of the cars fly off on contact, a pretty cool sight in close races. While the cars are nice and proper, it’s the tracks that completely steal the show in Game Stock Car. With guys like Alex Sawczuk, Luc van Camp and even Alex Hummler aka Com8 responsible for the track creation, one would expect nothing short of excellence and the ten venues do not disappoint. All tracks come with rich details, plenty of trackside objects, great looking textures and a proper atmosphere that makes them a joy to drive. The trackside buildings & objects are among the best I´ve ever seen in any gMotor 2 title and the overall quality of the tracks sets a new benchmark in terms of quality for titles using this engine. To top it all off, the tracks even come with dynamic bumps that help enhance the Force Feedback experience but more on that later on Zvok: Worth mentioning are the tire sounds that offer proper audio feedback on how the black rubber is doing. Vožnja in FFB: Tukaj bom kopiral vse, najpomembnejše poudaril. Anybody who has ever used rFactor will feel right at home in Game Stock Car as the UI and all features work like players are used to. Some details such as the in-car info-displays have been straight taken from rFactor, making the transition from ISI’s most popular title as easy as possible. Once you get in the car and out of the pits, one of the title’s main innovation starts attracting your eye. Game Stock Car has a dynamic cockpit view that resembles the helmet cam found in titles such as Need for Speed Shift 2, minus additional helmet graphics or effects such as blur. The driver’s view moves around the cockpit in the corners, creating a feeling of immersion that can rarely be found in gMotor 2 titles. Another real innovation is the title’s boost feature that simulates the push to pass option the series uses. Drivers can use this feature to activate additional 50hp for eight times during a race. Once the boost runs out, a countdown ticks, informing the player when the boost will be available next time. This adds a very interesting strategic element to racing as saving up your boost options can very well make the difference between winning or losing a race on the last lap. The Brazilian race cars are proper fun, reaching speeds up to 270 kilometers per hour. While driving these rather powerful touring cars is pretty easy as you get going, the cars can become quite a handful on the limit though, especially once the tires start wearing out. Reiza seems to have put a lot of effort into the tire data as the grip levels & wear feel extremely believable and sliding around on worn out tires might not be the quickest way to get around the track but it sure is challenging & lots of fun. The title offers a variety of setup options, some options are somewhat limited though due to the fact that it is a stock car series. To ensure a proper level of realism, Reiza has worked with several real Stock Car Brasil teams and drivers who´ve pleased the final result. The physics are backed by very nice Force Feedback effects, another area Reiza has put lots of effort in. The title uses the popular RealFeel plugin for proper feedback effects, allowing experienced rFactor players to tweak Game Stock Car to their liking by messing with the .ini file. The Force Feedback effects are enhanced by dynamic track surface bumps that add a level of track surface feedback to the effects that can not be found in most titles. Needless to say, the effect can’t be compared to iRacing’s laser-scanned tracks but the FFB in Game Stock Car is easily the most detailed I´ve ever experienced in any gMotor 2 title. Zaključek: Reiza Studio’s first mod and the talented staff have raised quite a few expectations and the studio’s maiden commercial title does not disappoint. Due to the proven base, the title is not adding anything completely new to the market, it is the sum of small innovations and improvements that make Game Stock Car the high quality product that it is. Features like the dynamic cockpit view and the push to pass feature add something new to the platform and the physics and Force Feedback effects prove that even a six year-old engine can be pushed a little bit further with the right expertise and careful optimization. Players who are looking for known cars, drivers and tracks will probably be not happy with the title as Game Stock Car is definitely exotic when it comes to its content. Sim racers who are open to experience something new will get their money’s worth with the ten spectacular & gorgeous tracks alone though and plenty of close racing action on top of it. Citiraj Link to post
PEK 2 291 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Vodičar res je. Saj bi tut jaz kupil, če bi se nas nabralo 20 za kakšno ligo. Citiraj Link to post
gregor vodicar 476 Napisano July 21, 2011 Avtor Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Jest tut. Samo bom pa najprej sprobal Citiraj Link to post
Ale 472 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Izgleda zelo zanimivo! Vsekakor bo treba demo sprobat... Citiraj Link to post
sennas 1 040 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Jaz sem že čisto na trnih , to bi znalo biti zelo dobro, če sodim po Armaroliju. Bom najprej demo poskusil, potem bomo pa videli.... Citiraj Link to post
Paps 597 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Downloadam demo. Da vidmo Glede na to da je Niels delal fiziko, ki je naredil men najboljši mod za rFactor (Corvette C6) zna bit kar dobro. Citiraj Link to post
sennas 1 040 Napisano July 21, 2011 Share Napisano July 21, 2011 Poskusil, odpeljal 3 kroge na Interlagosu. Vtisi: Isto kot ostali rfactor modi, prav res isto. Nič takega kar ne bi bilo že ponujeno drugje, razen tistih 10 prog....gume se sicer malo sliši kako civilijo, grafika je ista kot v rf. Če bi radi podoben mod z avti, sem sedaj sprobaval za rfactor (da primerjam, moda ravno tako ne poznam), vzemite Enduracers (Audi R10 TDI, Aston Martin db9, in vse te klase) in uživajte v fenomenalnih avtih. Pravkar sem peljal ferrarija f430 po Targi Florio in sem blažen, ker je tolk zabaven in lepo zadrifta, se ga da še ujet, ter jasno leti kot raketa. Torej po moje nepriporočljiv nakup, ker to je rfactor in en mod in čisto nič drugega. Po moje je vsaj nekaj boljših modov kot ta stock car, sej ne rečem pele se čisto ok, ampak za svojo igro pa to ni. Citiraj Link to post
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