To so standardna pravila za prvenstva, ki jih organizira portal slo-racing.com. So osnova, na podlagi katere bo potekalo prvenstvo slo-racing.com. Vsi sodelujoči morajo poznati in spoštovati vsebino pravil, obvezno jih morajo prebrati pred prijavo v prvenstvo.
Organizator prvenstva si pridržuje pravico do sprememb pravilnika med potekom prvenstva. Morebitne spremembe bodo vedno v korist večine udeležencev prvenstva.
- overlap: razdalja prekrivanja dirkalnikov pri vzporedni vožnji
- napad: poskus prehitevanja spredaj vozečega vozila
- napadalec: voznik, ki napada
- branilec: voznik, ki vozi pred napadalcem in običajno brani pozicijo pred njim
- kontakt: dotik dveh ali več dirkalnikov
- točka zaviranja: točka, na kateri voznik prične zavirati z namenom, da dirkalnik pravočasno upočasni in zavoj spelje po idealni liniji
- vhod v ovinek: se prične s točko zaviranja in nadaljuje s točko, na kateri spremenimo smer vožnje z namenom, da zavijemo po idealni liniji v zavoj in traja vse do apexa
- apex: točka v zavoju (običajno na skrajnem notranjem delu zavoja), kjer je hitrost dirkalnika najmanjša. Pred to točko dirkalnik hitrost zmanjšuje, za to točko pa dirkalnik hitrost povečuje.
- izhod iz ovinka: izhod iz ovinka se prične na apexu, kjer dirkalnik začne s pospeševanjem, in se konča na skrajni zunanji strani zavoja, kjer dirkalnik že polno pospešuje in ima volan poravnan naravnost.
- dirkalna površina: površina na dirkališču, ki je znotraj belih črt, ki označujejo dirkalno površino. Robniki, zelene umetne površine in betonske izletne cone se ne štejejo kot dirkalna površina.
1 Spoštovanje pravil in osnovni bonton
Nešportnega vedenja, osebnih zamer in obračunavanja na in izven dirkališča ne bomo tolerirali. Smo skupnost, kjer je upoštevanje pravil in medsebojno spoštovanje pomembno. Želimo, da tako tudi ostane.
2 Osnovna načela
Dirkanje v online dirkaških simulacijah je hobi, ki je v največji meri namenjen za našo skupno zabavo. Da lahko vsi enakovredno uživamo, moramo biti spoštljivi na dirkališču, upoštevati pravila in ne smemo presegati naših lastnih zmožnosti. Ne glede na to, kako hitri smo v kvalifikacijah, je dirka popolnoma druga zgodba. Tukaj je tukaj poleg surove hitrosti pomembno, da imamo nad svojim vozilom popoln nadzor, se zavedamo svoje bližnje in širše okolice, se zavedamo svojih napak ter hitro in pravilno odreagiramo, ko do njih pride.
Četudi smo od svojega nasprotnika hitrejši za nekaj desetink na krog, nam to še ne daje pravice, da brezglavo poskušamo prehitevati v vsakem ovinku. Na vsako prehitevanje se je potrebno pripraviti, predvideti šibke točke nasprotnika in jih izkoristiti sebi v prid. Vožnja preblizu nasprotnika lahko hitro prinese katastrofalne posledice, saj lahko usodni trk povzroči že manjši lag, voznik pred vami ima lahko druge točke zaviranja in pristop k idealni liniji skozi ovinek.
Enako velja tudi za počasnejše voznike. Hitrejše voznike je potrebno spoštovati, saj se boste z njimi težko kosali, kar pa še ne pomeni, da je vsakega potrebno spustiti mimo ob prvi priložnosti. Branjenje svoje pozicije je popolnoma sprejemljivo. Zavedati se moramo svojih zmožnosti in temu prilagoditi svoj način vožnje.
3 Prijava v prvenstvo
Pri prijavi v prvenstvo se bo upošteval status uporabnika na forumu ter njegova udeležba in sodelovanje v preteklih prvenstvih. Način prijave se lahko razlikuje v vsakem prvenstvu, saj je odvisen od načina organizacije ter simulacije, ki se uporablja za prvenstvo. Točna navodila glede možnosti prijav bodo na voljo v temi s splošnimi informacijami o prvenstvu.
3.1 Udeležba na dirkah v prvenstvu
Vsak voznik, ki se prijavi v prvenstvo, ima dolžnost, da se udeleži čimveč dirk v prvenstvu. Voznike naprošamo, da že pred prijavo pregledajo koledar dirk in se v prvenstvo ne prijavljajo, če se večine dirk ne bodo mogli udeležiti. Zaradi tehničnih omejitev nekaterih simulacij je število udeležencev na dirki omejeno. Če je prijav več, kot je omejitev simulacije, je potrebna organizacija dodatnih kvalifikacij. Z njimi se določi kdo se bo dirke lahko udeležil in kdo ne. Če je veliko fiktivnih prijav, ima organizator s tem samo nepotrebno delo, vsi udeleženci v prvenstvu pa izgubljajo čas, ker se morajo teh kvalifikacij udeležiti.
3.2 Odjava z dirke
Vsak voznik lahko v doglednem času pred dirko opraviči svojo odsotnost in svoje mesto prepusti drugemu dirkaču. V vsakem prvenstvu ima na voljo dve odsotnosti, ki ju napove vnaprej. Če manjka trikrat, ga organizator brezpogojno izključi iz prvenstva. Vozniki se morajo od dirke odjaviti najkasneje 48 ur pred pričetkom dirkaškega vikenda (npr.: če se dirkaški vikend začne s treningom v nedeljo ob 18. uri, se je potrebno odjaviti najkasneje v petek pred 18. uro). Odjaviti se morajo v temi dirke.
Vsi se zavedamo, da včasih pride do nepredvidenih dogodkov in svoje odsotnosti ne moremo pravočasno napovedati, zato dopuščamo možnost ene nenapovedane odsotnosti. Če voznik nenapovedano manjka dvakrat, ga organizator brezpogojno izključi iz prvenstva.
4 Obnašanje na dirkah, glasovnih kanalih in forumu
Vsi vozniki se morajo na dirki obnašati primerno. Vsak kontakt z vozilom drugega dirkača je izredno nezaželen in ga je potrebno preprečiti po naših najboljših močeh. Potrebno je spremljati dogajanje pred, ob in za našim dirkalnikom.
Med pomembnejšimi deli dirkaškega vikenda (kvalifikacije, dirka) drugih udeležencev ne motimo s sporočili v skupnem klepetu ali z glasovno komunikacijo (in-game voice chat, TeamSpeak,...), uporabljamo jih samo za najnujnejše zadeve (npr. opozorilo, da odhajamo v bokse ali opozorilo o tem, da je prišlo do večje nesreče). Klepetanje je zelo nezaželeno, saj s tem motimo koncentracijo ostalih voznikov. Preklinjanje, posmehovanje drugim voznikom in ostalo neprimerno obnašanje ne sodi v to skupnost in bo kaznovano.
4.1 Identiteta voznikov
Želimo, da se vsi vozniki predstavljajo s svojim pravim imenom in priimkom. Izkušnje so pokazale, da se osebe obnašajo veliko bolj spoštljivo, ko je njihova identiteta znana in se ne skrivajo za namišljenim imenom. Na neprvenstvenih dirkah je uporaba pravega imena in priimka opcijska, na vseh prvenstvih in dirkah pa je uporaba pravega imena in priimka obvezna.
V nastavitvah simulacije in programih za glasovno komunikacijo (TeamSpeak) si je potrebno nastaviti pravo ime in priimek. Nastaviti je potrebno imena in priimke brez šumnikov.
Primer: ne Murn Matjaž, ne MURN Matjaž, ne Matjaž MURN, ne M Murn... temveč Matjaz Murn
4.2 Prehitevanje
Koncept prednosti na progi je osnova vseh manevrov prehitevanja, vendar te pravice nimamo v vsakem trenutku na celotnem dirkališču, ampak samo na določenem delu proge, kjer se naš dirkalnik nahaja in ko je zadovoljeno določenim pogojem.
4.2.1 Prednost v zavoju
Da pridobimo prednost v zavoju, moramo biti na vhodu v ovinek vzporedno z vozilom, ki ga želimo prehiteti. Naš dirkalnik mora biti na točki zaviranja s sprednjim kolesom najmanj vzporedno s sprednjimi vrati nasprotnika. Če temu pogoju ni zadoščeno, se manever smatra kot prisiljen in prednosti v zavoju nimamo, saj s tem ogrožamo svojo varnost, varnost nasprotnika ter vseh ostalih udeležencev na dirki.
Če nimamo nobenega dirkalnika vzporedno z nami, imamo vso pravico, da peljemo skozi ovinek po idealni liniji. Napadalec ima dolžnost, da oceni varno razdaljo, na kateri mora voziti, da se izogni kontaktu.
4.2.2 Vzporedna vožnja
Če oba voznika vozita vzporedno, imata oba prednost v zavoju, vendar vsak na svojem delu cestišča. Voznik, ki vozi na notranji strani, se mora držati notranje strani ovinka in na vhodu ter izhodu ovinka pustiti najmanj za eno širino dirkalnika prostora. Voznik, ki vozi na zunanji strani pa mora skozi ovinek peljati tako, da na notranji strani ovinka pusti prostor za eno širino dirkalnika. Pri tem morata oba paziti, da ne pride do kontakta.
4.2.3 Prehitevanja zaradi napake nasprotnika
Ko spredaj vozeči voznik naredi dovolj očitno napako, zaradi katere ga je mogoče prehiteti, ga lahko napadalec vseeno napade in poskuša prehiteti, četudi ob vhodu v ovinek ni imel overlapa. Npr.: Če branitelj zgreši točko zaviranja oz. mu pri zaviranju blokirajo kolesa, zaradi tega zgreši apex in gre bolj na široko v ovinek, ima napadalec vso pravico, da poskusi izvesti manever prehitevanja.
Kljub temu mora biti napadalec maksimalno pozoren in se izogniti kontaktu z braniteljem, če je to le mogoče. Po drugi strani pa branitelj, ki je storil napako, ne sme spremeniti smeri vožnje na idealno linijo, kjer je že napadalec in s tem povzročiti kontakta.
Manjše napake branitelja včasih niso dovolj, da opravičijo napad. Vedno dobro ocenite, če imate dovolj prostora, da izvedete napad.
4.2.4 Blokiranje in spremembe smeri na ravninah
Branitelj lahko na ravnini blokira (spremeni smer vožnje) samo enkrat. Nazaj na prvotno pozicijo se lahko vrne le na koncu ravnine, kjer se pripravi na vhod v ovinek po idealni liniji. Blokiranje je prepovedano, če ima nasprotnik overlap (že minimalni overlap zadostuje). V tem primeru morata oba voznika pustiti dovolj prostora nasprotniku - približno za širino in pol dirkalnika.
4.2.5 Prehitevanje izven dirkalne površine
Prepovedano je prehitevanje z vožnjo izven dirkalnih površin. Če pride do takšnega prehitevanja, mora napadalec vrniti mesto branitelju pred koncem istega kroga.
4.3 Kontakt
4.3.1 Vračilo mesta, pridobljenega na nedovoljen način
Kadarkoli voznik z neupoštevanjem teh pravil ali s posledico svoje napake pridobi prednost v obliki pridobljenega mesta (ne glede na to, če pride pri tem do kakšnega kontakta), mora vsa pridobljena mesta vrniti nasprotnikom.
Če voznik pridobljenih mest ne vrne, sledi kazen s strani sodniške komisije. Kadar pride do incidenta s kontaktom, vračilo pridobljenega mesta mogoče ne bo dovolj, da se izognemo morebitni kazni s strani sodniške komisije, zagotavlja pa, da bo ta kazen milejša.
4.3.2 Odgovornost napadalca
Voznik, ki vozi zadaj, mora vedno upoštevati zmožnosti in različne točke zaviranja branitelja. Na podlagi tega mora posvečati največjo stopnjo pozornosti ocenjevanju varnostne razdalje in predvidevanju nevarnih situacij, da se izogne morebitnemu kontaktu z nasprotniki. V vsakem primeru se mora izogniti kontaktu, če je to mogoče, četudi to zahteva vožnjo izven dirkalne površine.
4.3.3 Odgovornost branitelja
Branitelj ne nosi posebne odgovornosti, razen tiste, ki je določena v členu 4.2.4 oz. kadar gre za neupravičeno zaviranje ali namerno spreminjanje smeri z namenom oškodovanja nasprotnika.
4.4 Incidenti
4.4.1 Ocena stanja vozila po nesreči
Če je po nesreči vozilo poškodovano, mora voznik sam oceniti ali je vozilo možno zapeljati do boksov na popravilo (če to simulacija sploh omogoča). Med vožnjo mora paziti, da ne ovira ostalih voznikov in se jim pravočasno umika.
Če se vozila ne bo dalo več popraviti do te mere, da voznik s svojo vožnjo ne ogroža drugih udeležencev, mora vozilo zapeljati z dirkaške površine in zapustiti dirko (ESC to pits). V tem primeru dirke ali kvalifikacij ne sme nadaljevati.
4.4.2 Ponovno vključevanje na stezo
Če je po nesreči vozilo še vedno vozno in z nadaljevanjem dirke voznik ne bo ogrožal drugih voznikov, se mora na stezo vrniti na najbolj varen možen način.
Najbolj optimalno je, da se voznik na stezo vključi tako, da ne zapelje na idealno linijo in da se že pred vključevanjem pelje vzporedno s stezo. Na ta način lahko v ogledalih vidi hitrejše voznike za njim in tako prepreči nastanek novih nesreč zaradi nepravilnega vključevanja.
4.5 Boksi
4.5.1 Prednost
Pri vključevanju iz boksov nazaj na stezo imajo prednost dirkalniki, ki so že na progi. Dirkalniki, ki so na stezi, ne smejo zapeljati na del proge označen za izhod iz boksov, kadar na tem delu steze vozi kakšen drug dirkalnik, ki prihaja iz boksov.
4.5.2 Vhod in izhod iz boksov
Dirkalnik mora pri vhodu in izhodu iz boksov biti znotraj belih črt, ki označujejo vhod in izhod. To je potrebno upoštevati med kvalifikacijami in med dirko. Pri vožnji skozi bokse je potrebno upoštevati omejitve hitrosti.
4.5.3 Prednost v boksih
Dirkalniki, ki se peljejo skozi bokse imajo prednost pred tistimi, ki stojijo v boksih. Slednji morajo počakati, da se mimovozeči dirkalnik odpelje mimo, preden lahko nadaljujejo z vožnjo skozi bokse.
4.6 Modre zastave
Modre zastave se prikažejo voznikom, ki so jih dohitela hitrejša vozila in jih bodo prehitela za krog. Modre zastave opozarjajo, da mora počasnejši voznik hitrejšega voznika varno spustiti mimo.
4.6.1 Prehitevanje za krog - hitrejši voznik
Hitrejši voznik, ki dohiti počasnejšega dirkača in ga bo prehitel za en krog, mora prehitevanje smatrati kot vsa druga normalna prehitevanja. Ne sme predvidevati, da mu bo počasnejši voznik ob prvi priložnosti in za vsako ceno prepustil mesto. Izvajanje prevelikega pritiska na počasnejšega voznika z vožnjo preblizu na nevarnejših delih steze je nezaželjeno. Prehitevanje je potrebno izvesti korektno. Pred prehitevanjem mora hitrejši voznik jasno nakazati kdaj bo prehitevanje izvedel ter na kateri strani steze.
4.6.2 Prehitevanje za krog - počasnejši voznik
Voznik, ki ga bo za krog prehitel hitrejši nasprotnik, mora po svojih najboljših močeh zagotoviti hitro in varno prehitevanje - bodisi z umikanjem in/ali s predčasnim zaviranjem oz. popuščanjem plina. Mesto mora hitrejšemu vozniku prepustiti čim hitreje in ga pri tem čimmanj ovirati. Kljub temu naj mesto prepusti na varnem delu proge - najbolje na ravnini.
4.6.3 Bitke med vozniki v vodilnem krogu
Kadar se dva voznika bojujeta v vodilnem krogu in dohitita voznika za en krog, je njegova dolžnost, da ju spusti čimprej mimo. Pri tem ne sme ovirati niti enega niti drugega voznika.
4.6.4 Pridobivanje zaostanka za krog
Voznik, ki za krog zaostaja, lahko izgubljeni krog pridobi nazaj, če je hitrejši od voznikov, ki so ga pred tem prehiteli. Pri prehitevanju se mora držati vseh pravil iz členov pod razdelkom 4.2 tega pravilnika. Pri tem mora še posebej paziti in pod nobenim pogojem ne sme priti do kontakta s spredaj vozečim vozilom.
4.7 Kvalifikacije
4.7.1 Izvoz iz boksov
Voznik, ki pelje iz boksov, ne sme na nikakršen način ovirati voznikov, ki so že na progi. Ne sme prečkati črte, ki označuje pas za izvoz iz boksov.
4.7.2 Ogrevalni krog (Out-lap)
Prvi krog iz boksov se smatra kot ogrevalni krog. V tem krogu mora voznik vedno dati prednost tistim, ki so že v svojem hitrem krogu. Umakniti se je potrebno dovolj zgodaj, da s svojo prisotnostjo na progi ne motimo hitrega kroga nasprotnika.
4.7.3 Hitri krog (Flying lap)
Vsak ima pravico dokončati svoj hitri krog, tudi če je za njim hitrejši voznik. Ni se potrebno umikati, branjenje pozicije z blokiranjem na ravnini pa je prepovedano. Če voznik stori večjo napako, mora naprej spustiti ostale voznike, ki so ga dohiteli in so v svojem hitrem krogu.
4.7.4 Ohlajevalni krog (In lap)
Po zaključku svojih hitrih krogov morajo vsi vozniki dirkalnik pripeljati do boksov. V tem krogu mora voznik vedno dati prednost tistim, ki so že v svojem hitrem krogu. Umakniti se je potrebno dovolj zgodaj, da s svojo prisotnostjo na progi ne motimo hitrega kroga nasprotnika. Prepovedano se je vrniti v bokse brez dirkalnika (npr. ESC to pits preko menija). Če voznik uporabi to opcijo, ne sme nadaljevati z vožnjo v kvalifikacijah.
4.7.5 Poškodovan dirkalnik v kvalifikacijah
Če voznik svoj dirkalnik poškoduje, ga lahko poskusi pripeljati nazaj do boksov. Veljajo ista pravila kot v odseku 4.4 tega pravilnika. Če se vrne v bokse brez dirkalnika (ESC to pits), ne sme nadaljevati z vožnjo v kvalifikacijah.
4.7.6 Luči v kvalifikacijah
V kvalifikacijah je dovoljeno vključiti luči, vendar samo pod pogojem, da smo v svojem hitrem krogu. Prepovedano je utripanje z lučmi. V Outlapu in Inlapu morajo biti luči ugasnjene.
4.8 Pogovarjanje in DiscordObvezna je uporaba aplikacije Discord. Aplikacijo si namestite in se povežite na strežnik tudi, če nimate mikrofona. Tako boste lahko še vedno slišali dodatne informacije, ki jih med dirko lahko sporoča organizator.
Med kvalifikacijami in dirko je govorjenje prepovedano. Vsa opravičila in podobno lahko počakajo na konec dirke.
4.9 Slaba povezava
Dirkače, ki bodo zaradi slabe povezave na strežniku ogrožali ostale udeležence, bomo prosili, da uredijo povezavo pred začetkom dirke ali naj strežnik zapustijo. Dirkači s slabo povezavo bodo prejeli opozorilo preko aplikacije TeamSpeak. Če povezave ne bodo popravili ali ne bodo zapustili strežnika, jih bo administrator odstranil. Če bo potrebna odstranitev, sledijo tudi sankcije (prepoved udeležbe na naslednji dirki).
5 Kaznovanje incidentov
Vozniki lahko prijavijo incident sodnikom isti ali naslednji dan po dirki. NE želimo prejemati užaljenih in razjarjenih komentarjev voznikov. Pregledali bomo samo primerno komentirane in argumentirane pritožbe. Nepravilne prijave bodo zavrnjene.
Pred naslednjo dirko se bo sodniška ekipa odločila o vseh kaznih, za katere meni, da so potrebne. Če povzročitelj kazni ne bo upošteva, bo diskvalificiran iz dirke ali prvenstva.5.1 Prijava incidenta
Voznik, ki misli, da je bil oškodovan s strani drugega voznika, je dolžen opraviti prijavo sodnikom. Drži naj se naslednjih smernic:
- Situacija naj bo konkretna in je vplivala na končni rezultat
- Prijava incidenta mora vsebovati točne podatke časa incidenta (datum, kvalifikacije/dirka), čas dogodka na dirki (številka kroga, pozicija na progi v tistem krogu), podatek o udeleženih voznikih in kratek opis incidenta
Citat4.1.2015 - Monza
L7, ovinek Variante del Rettifilio (prva šikana po štartno/ciljni ravnini)
- Voznik dirkalnika #22 (Janez Novak) je zamudil na zaviranju in se zaletel v moj dirkalnik
L12, ovinek Parabollica (pred startno/ciljno ravnino)
- Voznik dirkalnika #15 (Peter Klepec) je s svojim prednjim delom zadel v moj zadnji del. Posledično me je zavrtelo, izgubil sem 5 mest
L1, prva šikana po štartno ciljni ravnini
- voznik dirkalnika #1 (Matjaž Kralj) me je izrinil na travo
Komisija bo sporen dogodek pregledala in primerno kaznovala kršitelje. POZOR! Preden prijavite sporno situacijo, se popolnoma prepričajte ali je resnično sporna!
Prijave lahko pošljete do 24:00 naslednji dan po dirki. V kolikor se tega ne boste držali, prijava ni veljavna in se je ne obravnava. Prijavo pošljete na prijava@slo-racing.com
5.2 Možne sankcije voznikov
- Uradno opozorilo - po treh opozorilih voznik naslednjo dirko začne z zadnjega startnega mesta.
- Odvzem točk - odvzem točk na dirki, kjer se je zgodil omenjen dogodek
- Časovna kazen - Enakovredna vožnji skozi bokse/stop&go/10s postanek: +20 sekund/ +25 sekund/ +35 sekund
- Dodaten balast - balast se sešteva in upošteva na naslednji dirki skozi celotni dirkaški vikend
- Diskvalifikacija na dirki - diskvalifikacija na dirki, kjer se je zgodil omenjen dogodek
- Prepoved udeležbe na naslednji dirki
- Izključitev iz prvenstva
6 Statusi uporabnikov in prijavnina
6.1 Statusi uporabnikov
Nekatera prvenstva imajo omejeno število prijav. V tem primeru imajo prednost pri prijavi uporabniki z določenim statusom. Prioriteta pri prijavi je sledeča (najvišja prioriteta na vrhu)
- Moderator
- Organizator
- Novinar
- Donator
- Uporabnik
Več o statusih uporabnikov si lahko preberete tukaj.
6.2 Status donatorja
Za prijavo v manjša prvenstva ni potrebno imeti posebnega statusa, prijava v večja prvenstva pa navadno zahteva status Donatorja. Status mora biti veljaven do konca prvenstva. Kako pridobite status Donatorja, si lahko preberete tukaj.
6.3 Prijavnina
Ob prijavi v nekatera večja prvenstva je potrebno poravnati tudi prijavnino. Prijavnina je v obliki kavcije, ki se uporabnikom ob koncu prvenstva vrne, če so izpolnjeni določeni pogoji, ki so opredeljeni v pravilniku prvenstva. Če pogoji niso izpolnjeni ali pa če je voznik iz prvenstva izključen (npr. neupoštevanje pravil), se prijavnina ne vrne.
Prijavnino lahko poravnate preko PayPal na račun register@slo-racing.com (za več info pišite ZS).
7 Nagrade
Za nekatera prvenstva organizator skupaj s svojimi in sponzorskimi sredstvi pripravi tudi nagradni sklad. Udeleženci so upravičeni do nagrad samo v primeru, da zaključijo več kot 70% dirk v prvenstvu.
8 Sprememba pravilnika
Organizator ima vedno zadnjo besedo in si pridržuje pravico do sprememb pravil.
These are the standard rules for championships organized by slo-racing.com. They are the basis on which slo-racing.com championship will be held. All participants must know and respect the content of the rules and must read them before registering for the championship.
The championship organizer reserves the right to change the rules during the course of the championship. Any changes will always be to the benefit of the majority of the championship participants.
- overlap: distance of overlap of race cars when running in parallel
- attack: an attempt to overtake a vehicle in front
- attacker: the driver who attacks
- defender: the driver who drives in front of an attacker and usually defends a position
- contact: contact of two or more drivers
- braking point: the point at which the driver starts to brake in order to slow down the car in a timely manner and take the turn on an ideal line
- corner entrance: starts with the stopping point and continues with the point at which we change the direction of driving in order to turn the ideal line into a bend and last all the way to the apex
- apex: the point in the turn (usually at the far inner part of the bend) where the speed of the driver is the lowest. Before that point, the driver is slowing down, and from that point the driver accelerates.
- corner exit: corner exit begins at the apex where the driver starts accelerating and ends at the far outside of the bend where the driver accelerates fully and the steering wheel is straight.
- racing surface: the surface on the racetrack that is inside the white lines that indicate the racing surface. Curbs, green surfaces and concrete zones are not considered race surfaces.
1 Compliance with rules and basic etiquette
Unsportsmanlike conduct, personal resentment and revenge on and off the racetrack will not be tolerated. We are a community where compliance and mutual respect are important. We want it to stay that way.
2 Basic principles
Racing in online racing simulations is a hobby that is largely intended for our collective fun. For all to enjoy equally, we must be respectful on the racetrack, obey the rules and not go beyond our own capabilities. No matter how fast we qualify, the race is another story. Here, in addition to raw speed, it is important to have full control of our vehicle, to be aware of our immediate and wider surroundings, to be aware of our mistakes and to react quickly and correctly when they occur.
Even when you are faster than your opponent by a few tenths per lap, this still does not give you the right to headlessly try to overtake every corner. Every overtaking must be prepared, anticipated by the opponent's weak points and exploited to your advantage. Driving too close to your opponent can quickly have catastrophic consequences, as a fatal collision can be caused by slight lag, the driver in front of you may have other braking points and approach the ideal line through a bend.
The same applies to slower drivers. Faster drivers should be respected as you will have a hard time fighting with them, which does not mean that everyone has to be passed by at the first opportunity. Defending your position is perfectly acceptable. You need to be aware of our capabilities and to adapt our driving style.
3 Championship registration
Registration for the championship will take into account the user status in the forum and their participation in past championships. The mode of application may vary in each Championship, as it depends on the organization and the simulation used for the Championship. Detailed instructions on entry options will be provided in the General Championship Information topic.
3.1 Participation in championship races
Every driver who registers for the Championship has a duty to participate in as many championship races as possible. Drivers are asked to check the race calendar before registering and not register for the championship if they are unable to participate in most races. Due to the technical limitations of some simulations, the number of participants in the race is limited. If there are more applications than the simulation limit, further qualifications are required. They determine who will be able to participate in the race and who will not. If there are a lot of fictitious entries, the organizer has only unnecessary work, and all participants in the championship lose time because they have to attend these qualifications.
3.2 Cancelling race registration
Each driver may justify their absence in the foreseeable time before the race and give their place to another racer. They can miss two races in each championship, which they announce in advance. If they are absent three times, they are unconditionally excluded from the Championship by the organizer. Drivers must sign out of the race no later than 48 hours before the start of the race weekend (e.g., if the race weekend begins with training on Sunday at 6pm, they must sign out on Friday before 6pm at the latest). They have to sign out in the appropriate race weekend topic.
We are all aware that unforeseen events sometimes occur and we cannot predict our absence in a timely manner so we allow for the possibility of one unannounced absence. If the driver is missing twice unannounced, the organizer shall unconditionally exclude him from the championship.
4 Behavior in races, voice channels and forums
All drivers must follow the code of conduct during races. Any contact with the vehicle of another racer is extremely undesirable and should be avoided to the best of your ability. It is necessary to keep track of what is happening in front, around and behind our race car.
Among the more important parts of the race weekend (qualification, race), other participants should not be disturbed by group chat messages or voice communication (in-game voice chat, TeamSpeak, ...), we use them only for the most urgent matters (e.g. warning that we are leaving pits to boxing or a warning that a major accident has occurred). Chatting is very undesirable because it disrupts the concentration of other drivers. Cursing, ridiculing other drivers and other inappropriate behavior is not within the scope of this community and will be penalized.
4.1. Identity of drivers
We want all drivers to be presented with their real name. Experience has shown that people behave much more respectfully when their identity is known and they do not hide behind an imaginary name. Outside racing, the use of a real name and surname is optional, and in all championships and races the use of a real first and last name is mandatory.
In the simulation settings and voice communication programs (TeamSpeak) you need to set the first and last name. Names and surnames must be written with English characters.
Example: not Murn Matjaž, not MURN Matjaž, not Matjaž MURN, not M Murn, but Matjaz Murn
4.2 Overtaking
The concept of track advantage is the basis of all overtaking maneuvers, but this right is not ours to claim everywhere on the race track, but only on a specific section of the track where our race car is located and when certain conditions are met.
4.2.1 Corner right
In order to gain the right to a corner, we must be parallel to the vehicle we want to overtake at the entrance to the corner. At the braking point, the car of the attacked must be with the front wheel at least parallel to the front door of the opponent. If this condition is not met, the maneuver is considered forced and you do not have the right to the corner, as this endangers safety of the attacker, of the opponent and all other participants in the race.
If we do not have any racers parallel to us, we have every right to drive through the bend on the ideal line. The attacker has the obligation to assess the safe distance at which they must drive to avoid contact.
4.2.2. Parallel driving
If both drivers are driving in parallel, they both have the right of turning, but each in their own part of the race track. The driver driving on the inside must stick to the inside of the bend and leave at least one width of the race car at the entrance and exit of the bend. The driver driving on the outside must pass through the bend by leaving one car width space on the inside of the bend. In doing so, they should both be careful not to make contact.
4.2.3 Overtaking due to an opponent's error
When the driver makes an obvious enough mistake that allows an overtake, the attacker can still attack him and try to overtake, even if they did not have an overlap at the corner. E.g.: If the defender misses the braking point or blocking their wheels when braking, causing them to miss the apex and go wider into the bend, the attacker has every right to try to overtake.
Nevertheless, the attacker should be as alert as possible and avoid contact with the defender whenever possible. On the other hand, the defender who made the mistake should not change the direction of travel to the ideal line, where he is already an attacker, thereby causing contact.
Minor mistakes of the defender are sometimes not enough to justify an attack. Always evaluate well if you have enough space to successfuly complete the attack.
4.2.4 Blocking and changing the line on straights
The defender can only block (change direction) once on a single straight. They can only return to their original position at the end of the straight, where they prepares to enter the bend on the ideal line. Blocking is forbidden if the opponent has an overlap (a minimum overlap is sufficient). In this case, both drivers must leave enough space for the opponent - approximately one width and a half of the race car.
4.2.5 Going off the racing surface
It is forbidden to overtake by racing outside the racing surfaces. If such overtaking occurs, the attacker must return the place to the defender before the end of the same lap.
4.3 Contact
4.3.1 Giving back the illegally acquired position
Whenever a driver gains an advantage in the form of an acquired position (regardless of any contact), by failing to follow these rules or resulting in their mistake, they must return all the acquired positions to opponents.
Failure to return the positions acquired by the driver shall be subject to a penalty by the stewards. In the event of a contact incident, the return of the position obtained may not be sufficient to avoid a possible penalty by the stewards, but it will ensure that their penalty is less severe.
4.3.2 Liability of the attacker
The attacker must always take into account the capabilities and various points of defending of the defender. On this basis, they should pay the utmost attention to assessing the safety distance and anticipating dangerous situations, in order to avoid possible contact with opponents. In any case, contact should be avoided if possible, even if this requires driving outside the racing surface.
4.3.3 Responsibility of the defender
The defender does not bear any special responsibility, except for the one specified in Article 4.2.4 or when there is unjustified inhibition or deliberate change of direction in order to harm the opponent.
4.4 Incidents
4.4.1. Assessment of the condition of the vehicle following an accident
If the vehicle is accidentally damaged, it is for the driver to assess for himself whether the vehicle can be driven to the pits for repair (if the simulation allows it). While driving, the driver must be careful not to obstruct other drivers in a timely manner.
If the vehicle can no longer be repaired to such an extent that the driver does not endanger other participants with their driving, the vehicle must drive off the racing surface and leave the race (ESC to pits). In this case, they may not continue with the race or qualifying session.
4.4.2. Rejoining the track
If vehicle is still driveable after the incident and the driver will not endanger other drivers as the race continues, they must return to the track in the safest way possible.
It is most optimal for the driver to rejoin the track so that they do not cross the ideal line and run parallel to the track before they rejoin. In this way, they can see faster drivers behind in the mirrors, preventing new accidents from occurring due to unsafe rejoin.
4.5 Pitting
4.5.1 Prioritys
When returning from the pits back to the track, preference is given to driver who are on the track. Racers on the track may not drive to the part of the track marked for exiting the pits when any other driver coming from the pits is driving on that part of the track.
4.5.2 Pit entry and exit
The race car must be inside the white lines indicating the inlet and outlet when entering and exiting the pits. This must be taken into account during qualifying and during the race. Speed limits must be observed when driving through the pits.
4.5.3 Pit stop advantage
Drivers driving through he pits have the priority over drivers pitting. The latter have to wait for a passing racing car to pass by before they can continue to drive through the pits.
4.6 Blue Flag
Blue flags are displayed to drivers who have been caught by faster vehicles and will be overtaken by a lap. Blue flags warn slower drivers that they should let a faster driver to safely pass them.
4.6.1 Lapping - faster driver
A faster driver who catches up to a slower racer and will overtake them by a lap must consider overtaking as any other normal overtaking. They should not assume that the slower driver will leave the position at the first opportunity and at any cost. Exerting too much pressure on the slower driver by driving too close at the more dangerous parts of the track is undesirable. Overtaking must be carried out correctly. Before overtaking, the faster driver must clearly indicate when the overtaking will take place and on which side of the track.
4.6.2 Lapping - slower driver
The driver who will be overtaken by a faster opponent by a whole lap must do their best to ensure a fast and safe overtaking - either by moving aside and / or by braking early or by releasing the throttle. They must give the position to the faster driver as soon as possible while not obstructing them. Nevertheless, give the position at the safe part of the track - best on the straights.
4.6.3 Battles between drivers in the lead lap
When two drivers are fighting in the lead lap and catching up a soon-to-be-lapped driver, it is their duty to let them pass by as soon as possible. In doing so, they must not interfere with either driver.
4.6.4 Unlapping
A driver who was lapped may unlap themselves if they are faster than the drivers who have previously overtaken them. When overtaking, they must abide by all the rules in the articles under section 4.2 of this Regulation. In doing so, special care must be taken and no contact with the front-running vehicle should be made under any circumstances.
4.7 Qualifying
4.7.1 Exiting pits
Drivers exiting pits must not in any way impede drivers already on the track. They must not cross the pit exit lane.
4.7.2. Outlap
The first lap after leaving the pits is considered as a warmup lap. In this lap, the driver must always give priority to those already in their fast lap. It is necessary to move away early enough so that their presence on the track does not disturb the fast lap of the opponent.
4.7.3 Fast lap
Everyone has the right to complete their fast lap, even if there is a faster driver behind them. It is not necessary to move away and it is forbidden to defend the position by locking on a plane. If the driver makes a major mistake, they must continue to let by other drivers who have caught up them him and are in their fast lap.
4.7.4. Inlap
After completing their fast laps, all drivers must bring the car to the pits. In this lap, the driver must always give priority to those already in their fast lap. It is necessary to move away early enough so that the car does not interfere with the fast lap of the opponent. It is forbidden to return to the pits by using ESC to pits or a similar method. If this happens, the driver must not continue with qualifying.
4.7.5 Damaged car during qualifying
If the driver damages their race car, they can try to bring it back to the pits. The same rules apply as in Section 4.4 of this Regulation. If they return to pits by using ESC to pits, they must not continue to qualify.
4.7.6 Lights during Qualifying
Lights are allowed during qualifying, but only during a fast lap. Flashing is forbidden. In outlap and inlap, the lights must be turned off.
4.8 Discussion and DiscordDiscord is required. Install the application and connect to the server even if you do not have a microphone. This way, you will still be able to hear additional information that may be provided by the organizer during the race.
Talking is prohibited between qualifying and the race. All apologies and similar comments can wait until the end of the race.
4.9 Poor connection
Racers who will endanger other participants due to a poor connection on the server will be asked to fix the connection before the race starts or to leave the server. Drivers with poor connection will receive an alert through Discord. If they do not fix the connection or leave the server, the administrator will remove them. If removal is required, sanctions will also follow (non-participation in next race).
5 Penalties
Drivers can report an incident to the stewards within 24 hours after the race is completed. We do NOT want to receive offended and angry comments from drivers. We will only review properly argumented and substantiated complaints. Incorrect applications will be rejected.
Before the next race, the stewards will decide on any penalties they deem necessary. Failure to comply will result in disqualification from the race or the championship.5.1 Reporting an incident
A driver who thinks they have been harmed by another driver are required to report to the judges. The following guidelines should be followed:
- Situation should be specific and have an impact on the end result
- Incident reporting must include accurate information about the time of the incident (date, qualifying / race), the time of the event in the race (lap number, track position in that lap), information on the drivers involved, and a brief description of the incident
Citat1 April 2015 - Monza
L7 , Variante del Rettifilio (first chicane after start / finish straight)
- Race Driver # 22 (Janez Novak) missed out on the brakes and crashed into my car
L12 , Parabollica (before start / finish straight)
- Race driver # 15 (Peter Klepec) hit my rear end with his front end. I consequently spun and lost 5 places
L1, the first chicane on the start / finish straight
- race driver # 1 (Matjaz Kralj) bumped onto the grass
The stewards will review the incident in question and penalize the violators accordingly. ATTENTION! Before reporting a controversial situation, make sure that it is truly controversial!
Reports can be submitted by 24:00 the day after the race. If this is not the case, the application is not valid and will not be processed. Please send your report to TBA
5.2 Possible driver sanctions
- Warning - after three warnings, the driver starts the next race from the back of the grid.
- Points deduction - Deduction of points for the race where the event occurred
- Time Penalty - Equivalent to boxing / stop & go / 10s stop: +20 seconds / +25 seconds / +35 seconds
- Additional Ballast - Ballast is added up and taken into account at the next race throughout the race weekend
- Race Disqualification - Race disqualification from the event where it occurred
- 1-race ban
- Disqualification from the Championship
6 User Status and Registration Fee
6.1 User statuses
Some championships have a limited number of entries. In this case, priority is given to users with a certain status. Signup priority is as follows (priority from top down)
- Moderator
- Organizer
- Journalist
- Donor
- User
For more on the campaign read here.
6.2 Donor status
Entry to smaller championships does not require special status, and entry to major championships usually requires the donor status. The status must be valid until the end of the Championship. Read how to get donor status here .
6.3 Application Fee
When registering for some major championships, the entry fee must also be paid. The entry fee will be used for all the expenses necessary to organize the championship.
You can pay the registration via PayPal to register@slo-racing.com (send PM for more information).
7 Awards
For some championships, the organizer prepares a prize pool with sponsors or other available funds. Entrants are only eligible for prizes if they complete more than 70% of the championship races.
8 Rules change
The organizer always has the last word and reserves the right to change the rules.