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ac slovenia ponovno booking Marko: vpišeš geslo, daš book.. Potem pa se ti levo spodi pokaže da lahk daš join, minuto po bookiranju traja da se server postavi za prijavljene.
SERVER ONLINE teamspeak server: air slovenia kanal SLO-RACING geslo:sloracing AC Slovenia Geslo: sloracing
Nič ne nabijam še, server postavlam.
Ja mene tut neki zajebava. Oziroma sm ga postavu ampak mi ga ne kaže
Sem že postavu server AC Slovenija geslo: sloracing no ne dela še
Je najdu kdo kje kok se server nardi? že najdu How to setup a dedicated server - Go to your AC installation folder (Steam -> browse local content) and get the following files and folders and upload them to your server: acServer.exe folder "server" - use acServerLauncher.exe on your own pc to easily generate your server configuration - the wizard will write into the following ini files that you can also manually edit: server/cfg/server_cfg.ini server/cfg/entry_list.ini - leave the entry list blank for now - make sure you put some booking time - Open firewalls on the udp/tcp ports
94 cm..400hz
Js pa glih nov tv prklopu...jeeeees
Darcy Callai Junior @DCJunior06 4h @KunosStefano Hi, any chance of releasing this Friday? Details Reply Retweet Favourite More Stefano Casillo @KunosStefano 4h @DCJunior06 yes latest 3 tests were good. Details Reply Retweet Favourite More User Actions Follow Darcy Callai Junior@DCJunior06 @KunosStefano the best news of the year. Reply Retweet Favourite More 8:22 pm - 8 May 2014
Suzuka http://youtu.be/bl5eMkf1QPc
Ja sam v igrcah z levo bremzam in še to zdej samo na paddle shifterjih, drugače pa z desno.. V realnosti itak z desno vedno.
Če imaš sklopko pa res škoda da je ne uporablaš, sploh v ac-ju. V rfactorju je vseen če jo maš al pa ne, tudi če jo izklopiš je isto razn pri speljevanju. Js sm se z ac-jem naučil heel&toe delat in bremzat z desno nogo, kar je blo zlo težk za mene ko sem skor 10 let na levo nogo bremzu.
Ni nič kej smešno. Pri AC-ju je vsaj na začetku bilo tako da če nisi spustil gasa ko si šaltal navzgor si izgubil majn časa.
Kaj bo šele to ko bojo poškodbe.
Tam boš mel pa samo prvi krog s kom za dirkat pol jih bo pa pol s steze letel druga polovica pa ne bo tvoj tempo.
01:30 a.m. - Diary note: I can't tell if has been much funnier the race itself or the chat on teamspeak while we were driving.. I've to say that we got a hellish week, but our betatesters made it easier for our devteam. Thank you guys, today you made my day.#assettocorsa_multiplayer_betatesting Glede na to da so ustvarl hashtag kot kaže imajo namen nekaj izdat. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202100680432487&set=vb.1651916137&type=3&theater
Vse sphotoshopan..mene je tut za trenutek zagrabl
In seveda troll
Moj skin je 4MB..
Nekaj dodatnih informacij o upravljanju s serverji. You can decide that only specific players can join. Good for leagues or trusted racers.
Zolder DOWNLOAD http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/threads/circuit-zolder.87094/#post-1712701 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsPVHRNoXYA#t=81
Marco Massarutto Diary notes, 00:30 am -“I am the Mareo your Chief, who brought you out of the land of Lesmos, out of the house of Ascaris: You shall get no chicanes before me." Last multi test for today. Almost ready (fingers crossed) , I'm sorry if the video isn't so smooth, captured at 60 fps, uploaded on FB at 30. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202093576214886&set=vb.1651916137&type=3&theater Markokoz video je star 10 ur. Mogoče pa le bo danes zvečer
In sedaj video od testiranja multiplayerja..sem vedu da se sami igrajo brez nas https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202093682177535&set=vb.1651916137&type=3&theater This video has been captured from multiplayer betatesting on 05/05, there was still room for improvements that have been applied today. I'm sorry if the video isn't so smooth, captured at 60 fps, uploaded on FB at 30
Ko bo brez bumpov se bo pa dal lepo igrat.