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Vsa vsebina uporabnika Domen Hrovatin
Meni od kar imam Win 10 mi po novem updatu, ko izberem srver noče naložiti in mi zmeri vrže nazaj na srver list. kaka ideja kaj je narobe in kako to premagat... nemorm multy igrat :/
ASSETTO CORSA 1.2.0 + FREE BONUS PACK AVAILABLE TODAY AT 10.00 AM Pacific Time / 19.00 CET The new build 1.2 of Assetto Corsa is finally available for all users on Steam today, at 10.00 AM Pacific Time / 19.00 CET, at the URL http://store.steampowered.com/app/244210/. The new version provides a considerable update and adds five new cars and one circuit as free bonus content. The free bonus pack does not introduce only new content but, more importantly, new features and sensible improvements, in all sectors: artificial intelligence, physics, multiplayer features, graphics and general performanc
Post na FB-ju Assetto Corsa: Hello AC followers, while our betatesting team is checking the DEV build in order to deliver Assetto Corsa 1.2 as soon as possible, we are currently producing the laser scan of Brands Hatch, and taking thousands of photos in order to bring you the most thrilling driving experience you can get from this amazing track inside Assetto Corsa.
Mazda Miata @ Vallelunga || 2.7.2015 [AC]
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika zamex23: tema v Dirke
sm prav skopiral pa vseeno ni ratal... Kako je šla dirka -
Mazda Miata @ Vallelunga || 2.7.2015 [AC]
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika zamex23: tema v Dirke
točn to sm naredu in ne dela :/ odpovedujem udeležbo ker nism uspel zrt tega bugga nč potrenirat have fun guys -
Mazda Miata @ Vallelunga || 2.7.2015 [AC]
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika zamex23: tema v Dirke
meni nikakor ne rata usposobiti zvoka.. kakšna ideja? -
Mazda Miata @ Vallelunga || 2.7.2015 [AC]
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika zamex23: tema v Dirke
se po dougem času pridružim Domen Hrovatin -
mene je pa en krog pelu z tole žvaruno
RedBull Ring ESET V4 CUP 2015 Več slik... http://www.facebook.com/domen.hrovatin/media_set?set=a.10206645683611980.1073741859.1569512547&type=3
varnost za dirkače
Srečanje članov 2015
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika B_U_R_I: tema v Portal in skupnost
Jaz ne bom uspel priti.. prepučam mesto v gokardu komu drugemu vseeno vživajte na max -
Moj fotr je bil tudi v Imoli 94'... zaradi njega sem ob nedeljah kot zalepljen na kavč gledal F1 od kar se zavedam
Srečanje članov 2015
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika B_U_R_I: tema v Portal in skupnost
Pridem še jaz pogledat Domen Hrovatin (1x kart) -
nesreča na šlajfi... ena smrtna žrtev in več poškodovanih https://youtu.be/GXHUxCmdkYY
GHD Ilirska Bistrica bi bla tud fajn če bi kdo dobil dovoljenje od Pintarja za pretvorbo iz rF:D
BMW M235i Racing @ Imola || 19.3.2015 [AC]
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika skopusnik: tema v Dirke
Domen Hrovatin -
https://youtu.be/ClAuhgFQpLo 360°posnetek kamero premikate z WSAD
Akademija vožnje na "Nordschleife Tourist"
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika zamex23: tema v Assetto Corsa
Sem takoj za -
Anketa - Avtomobilistično dirkanje
Domen Hrovatin je odgovoril na vsebino uporabnika RokKrupič: tema v Ostalo
Rešeno -
Joj prehitu me za 20sec
Al pa vs ta free content, ki naj bi ga dobil po 1.0 RC
Assetto Corsa – RUF CTR YELLOWBIRD AVAILABLE AS GIFT ITEM! The RUF-Automobile license for Assetto Corsa has been announced some time ago, allowing KUNOS Simulazioni to reproduce in its acclaimed racing game some of the most iconic cars of the German Car manufacturer. KUNOS Simulazioni wishes to thank all Assetto Corsa fans and users with a new update, available as free gift item on Steam: the RUF CTR YELLOWBIRD is available today! The Ruf CTR (Group C, Turbo Ruf) also known as the CTR Yellowbird or simply Yellowbird, was a limited-production, high performance sports car produced by Ruf Au
My only "issue" with the Early Access program is that it might kill in some way hype, fears, hopes and expectations. But, on the other side, the response of people, press, journalists, critique, during the overall program until its end has been so crazily great that I can live with it. Today we have released Assetto Corsa 1.0, yesterday I was on track, thousands of Kms far from here, already working for next contents. I couldn't be happier. And believe me, you haven't seen nothing, yet. We'll drive you crazy. See you on December 31, 15.00 CET, on Assetto's Facebook page. by: Marco Massar